Out with the old, in with the new Someone recently emailed me and asked why I had slowed down on my posts on Activerain. “I’ve been busy with real estate”. This past December has been the best December in my 13 years in the real estate business. Not the purpose to go into all the transactions occ
My blog Ann Arbor Real Estate Talk site has been Posh’d. I logged on to Twitter today and found out in a direct message. What surprise, what a shock, what an honor. Now I need your help. If you could go to Posh’d and rate my site, I would really, really appreciate it. There are 5 stars there, so
One of the Geeks I met at ArbBar Camp was Charlie Wollborg from Curve Detroit. Charlie likes to refer himself as the Chief Troublemaker at Curve Detroit. Curve Detroit is a marketing firm located in S.E. Michigan. I like what they say: “If your advertising doesn't produce more sales, it's just
Thursday night before the massive snow storm hit throughout Michigan, Karen Moorhead (@A2Karen) and I attended a Bar Camp in downtown Ann Arbor sponsored by A2Geeks. I heard about the group on the FaceBook group A2Geeks. I heard about the venue change on Twitter because I follow @arbcamp. The ven
Back in May 2007, I wrote a post on Google Alerts Stay Informed. Since then I have been using Google Alerts to stay up on certain search terms that I want to follow for my area Ann Arbor and Saline, Michigan. When you sign up for Google Alerts from you GMail account, (which is the starting point
Recently I started working with Altos Research to assist me in Market Reports for the Ann Arbor and Saline area's of Michigan. I met Scott several months ago when I was trying to do some online research for Ann Arbor and discovered they were not doing Ann Arbor. Well, we all know Ann Arbor is 2
Yesterday, I ate lunch at Google in Ann Arbor. Here is how it happened: At NAR in Orlando, Cyndee Haydon and I were walking around the Expo and Google had a large booth there. So I go strolling up and met a guy named Payton Dobbs...I asked him to share with me the latest and greatest about Google
Need to grow your business? Tried Twitter? So you don't get it? Have a few questions? The trend is really growing for Twitter, not a day goes by that I don't meet people? Have a quick question? People love to help out and are quick to get back to you? It is time to position yourself NOW for the f
What is Good Search ? Good Search is a search site where you can search your favorite stores online. Anything that you buy through there they donate to the charity of your choice. When you log on set up your favorite charity and everything you spend a % is given back to the charity of your choic
Friday, Dec. 5 Saline Moonlight Madness Craft Show will be held from 5 to 11 p.m. at Saline Middle School, 7190 N. Maple Road. More than 135 creative crafters will be showcasing their work. Admission is $2. Saturday, Dec. 6 Parade Day in Saline will be held as part of the 33rd annual Holiday Pa