Arizona Home Loan Info

Mortgage and Lending - SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - NMLS 223495
We were celebrating Sue Simpson's 89th birthday at the Caddo Cafe when the tornado siren went off. Sue is the matriarch of GlenMar Ranch in Caddo. The Caddo Cafe has a television in one corner, and we all looked up as the newsman announced that a tornado had touched down west of us in Tishomingo...
When PIMCO bets against US Treasuries, you can bet that interest rates are headed up. The headline this morning on Bloomberg reads: "Pimco Total Return Cuts Government-Related to Negative, Boosts Cash Assets."  PIMCO is the most successful bond trading company in the US.  I check Bill Gross's opi...
~ Big Texas Rooster ~ This Texas Rooster is about ten feet tall!  Can anyone identify where in Texas you might run across him?  Better yet, do you have a photo of him that you can post in your comment? _____________________ I'm Mike in Tucson, your preferred Tucson Arizona Mortgage Lender. NMLS ...
~ Jeff Dolan, Tucson Barbershop eXperience ~ "Old Man River" ~ Tucson Barbershop eXperience ~ ~ Sonoran Sound, Tucson Barbershop eXperience ~ "Mississippi Squirrel Revival" Well, I wasn't supposed to take a camera into the High School auditorium, but no on told me that before half-time.  (Scuse ...
600 FICO!  3.5% Down!  "A Proactive Approach Because You Deserve It!"  ...and other marketing drivel... Inside Wells Fargo... According to an insider at Wells Fargo Bank, this program (nationwide) has resulted in the following since its recent inception: 10,000 loan applications (Good!) 5,000 loa...
The administration and the congress are debating a much needed spending cut. This video from YouTube puts it in perspective in a way that's meaningful. You only have to look at the past three years to see how our livelihoods as agents and lenders are better when we have a fiscally prudent economy...
~ Listen to Me! ~ "If only I could get my customer to listen to me..."  The complaint is common with new agents.  Fresh from Real Estate School, and with the Examination under their belt and the framed license on the wall, they venture out into the world of commission-only sales. (Oh, I know you...
~ Desert Find ~ That's my hiking glove next to the rock for perspective.  I have big hands.  The exterior of this rock is melted, and at first, I thought it might be metallic.  It's not. It's very dense and heavy.  The coloring looks like native copper, but it's not metal. The world's full of my...
  ~ Gambel's Quail ~   We had dinner Sunday afternoon with friends up in Oro Valley (NW of Tucson.)  After a scrumptious meal, we all sat outside taking in the view of Pusch Ridge.  I naturally had my camera with me.  It's spring in the desert, and this male Gambel's quail is looking for a mate....
~ Hummingbird Food ~ Some years, the desert floor is covered with wildflowers: lupine, mexican poppy, and others.  This year, that didn't happen.  I don't know why. Regardless, and right on cue, the Ocotillo plants, which look for all the world like a bunch of dead sticks, pushed out their red f...

Mike Jones

Mike Jones NMLS 223495
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