We, in the real estate business, say that the so-called "spring market" starts right after the Super Bowl. Since the Super Bowl is now over, from a realtor perspective, the spring market is underway albeit in the very early stages. If you are new to the market, or have not bought or sold real e
As we move through the month of February -- although it does not feel like it at the moment -- we get closer and closer to spring. The spring market -- well, what we in the real estate industry refer to as the spring market -- begins once the Super Bowl ends. That means we are in the early stag
I just received the February issue of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors (PAR) magazine and there were a couple of very interesting and informative articles on Feng Shui. As a realtor, Feng Shui comes up in conversation fairly often. I thought it might be worth having a brief discussion a
As I mentioned in my previous post, one of the things I love about being in Bucks County is the proximity to both Philadelphia and New York. Yardley, which is where I live, -- actually Lower Makefield Township, which has a Yardley mailing address -- is only about 35 minutes from center city Phi
Welcome to my Bucks County real estate -- and other related and/or non-related -- blog spot. My goal in creating this blog is to provide a personal perspective on Bucks County life, as well as providing an insight into real estate in Bucks County. Although I am new to blogging, I am not new to