On June 2nd there will be a hearing for another proposed plan for the empty lot on 31st St. and Cheryl. The proposal will bring a new townhome project to the parcel. It is another step in the proposed revitalization of the North 32nd St. Corridor. Sarah Sakalauski of Coldwell Banker is a North ...
The other day a friend and former co-worker advised me of an unfortunate family situation. The long and short of it is she needs to find a rental home and is looking in the Surprise, AZ area. She needs 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and is hoping to stay under $1200/month. Who better to ask for this t...
I've slowed down a little on my businesses that treated us well series and I apologize to the many I've yet to blog about. I promise I will get to ALL of them. For those that haven't read any past installments here is a background. During my daughter's battle with cancer and after her passing ...
Since this is my blog I get to interject my personal opinion from time to time. Of course if I'm only blogging about data I'll stick to the facts, but when reading forecasts it can be interesting to dissect where the forecasters are getting their data and how they are forming their opinions. Th...
As we continue our series on the proposed revitalization project around the North 32nd Street Corridor and the local businesses it stands to benefit I'm finding more and more good local businesses in the neighborhood. When you have shopping centers with so many empty spaces its sometimes hard to...
"I don't know how you do it""I couldn't imagine""I wouldn't be able to handle it""Your strength amazes me, there's no way I could...""I don't think I could even get out of bed"These are fairly common responses I get when people come to find out that I lost my 8 year old daughter to cancer 13 and ...
"I'll just keep renting until I can qualify for the house I want"The comment above was something a young buyer said to me recently. They had contacted me to see how much of a purchase price they could qualify for. Like many buyers that search on Zillow they see the "estimated monthly payment" a...
During the economic crash of 2008 many people lost their homes and were forced back into renting. The lack of qualified home buyers led to a drastic reduction in housing costs allowing savvy investors to snatch homes up at far below historical market values. This also led to a spike in demand f...
05/18/2015 As I've written in previous blog posts surrounding the proposed revitalization of the North 32nd Street corridor the completion of the Piestewa Peak Freeway (51) diminished traffic on 32nd Street to levels that many local businesses couldn't survive. The empty commercial space i...
We've all seen the commercials with Fonzie touting the benefits of reverse mortgages for seniors. Much of the baby boomer generation has been struggling through retirement while trying to squeeze what they can out of social security, small pensions and/or part time jobs. When the economy crashed...