The Mike Realtor Team sells Homes in Bloomfield, Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Farmington, West Bloomfield. Rochester, Troy, Huntington Woods, Royal Oak & Auburn Hills. Call us at (248) 644-4700 X 242 or check us out at or Mike Sher The Mike Realtor...
Great news!!! Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are now processing their loans though the HAFA guidelines. This will open up the opportunity for many home owners to sell thier home with less repercussions then a foreclosure!! Call Mike Sher at 248 644-4700 for Michigan Short SaleSeller soultions Read ...
The Mike Realtor Team sells Homes in Bloomfield, Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Farmington, West Bloomfield. Rochester, Troy, Novi, Huntington Woods, Royal Oak & Auburn Hills. Call us at (248) 644-4700 X 242 or check us out at or Mike Sher Three year...
Mike Sher 2009 Track Record: 56 homes sold, 22 Short Sales and 365 of Focus Many Short Sale sellers pick a Realtor because of a past real estate transactions or none real estate relationship. This Realtor is a friend, family, past buyer's agent or Sellers agent before the bottom dropped. Tho...
Birmingham MI Short Sale Tip #41, 10 reasons why to avoid Foreclosure, Expert, Michigan. If you are facing foreclosure, please read the list below. But do not lose hope; my brokerage has helped 100’s Detroiters avoid foreclosure with a short sale. Do not become a statistic, call me today at (248)...
The Mike Realtor Team sells Homes in Bloomfield, Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Farmington, West Bloomfield. Rochester, Troy, Novi, Huntington Woods, Royal Oak & Auburn Hills. Call us at (248) 644-4700 X 242 or check us out at or Mike Sher The Mike R...
If you remember the old ad, "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk" you did this not just for your friend's well-being but for who ever your friend might kill if they are behind the wheel. Well, Foreclosure prevention is just like that. Do not let your neighbor or friend get foreclosed on. Not...
Just got off the phone with BOA about a short sale that they have the 2ndlien. Spoke to a Short Sale supervisor who told me that BOA will only offer HAFA assistance for 2nd liens when the 1stlien is also with BOA. She told me that the loss on the 2nd liens are to great!! I told her that the pro...
Hafa is a great program but how do you participate? The problem is that though many servicers say that they are participating in HAFA, they have none of the documents to apply for the program. Do not let that stop you. Below you will find a link to the documents you will need to participate in HA...
Short Sale Rochester Hills MI Just Sold, Oakland County MI Mike Sher Max Broock Realtors The Mike Realtor Team sells Homes in Bloomfield, Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Farmington, West Bloomfield. Rochester, Troy, Huntington Woods, Royal Oak & Auburn Hills. Call us at (248) 644-4700 X 242 or check ...