Often short sale sellers and short sale buyers get confused about “how many cooks are there in the kitchen”. · A buyer can’t understand how they write a full price offer on a home and yet 60 days later the bank counters above the list price. · Or, a seller who was told that the s...
Novi MI MACPA's Short Sale Guru, Mike Sher to teach at The Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountant's Construction Industry ConferenceIn Novi September 27, 2011 Mike Sher will be this years Short Sale Expert Speaker for the MACPA's Michigan Conference September 27th in Novi MI Mike wil...
Birmingham MI Short Sale Realtor "Handling the Stress of an Unaffordable Mortgage Payment", Mike Sher (248) 644-4700 x 242, Max Broock Whenever I research the latest foreclosure and distressed property statistics, the sheer number of Americans facing the stress of losing their homes amazes me. I...
"Ask real estate experts about short sales" with Mike Sher, associate broker for Max Broock Realtors in Bloomfield Hills Live chat noon Monday: By GRETA GUEST | FILED UNDER - Business / Real Estate | 12:47 AM, Jul. 25, 2011 Are you trying to sell your house on a short sale and running into red...
Short Sale Tip # 61 Birmingham, Michigan: Don't wait to start the short sale process. “You HAFA ta try!!” Mike Sher (248) 496-1572, Max Broock Realtor Often real estate agents wait to start the short sale process until they have an offer. This is a BAD idea and if the seller is not making paym...
Certified Distress Property Expert Rochester Hills Michigan, "FTC validates that Realtors play a vital role in Short Sale Success" Mike Sher, Max Broock, 248 644-4700x242 On July 15th the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) statement admitted that their December 1st 2010 MARS (Mortgage Assistance Reli...
According to Lender Processing Services (LPS), over 6.32 million homeowners missed their mortgage payments in April 2011. Another four million have missed more than three months of payments and are now considered seriously delinquent. If you or someone you care about is having difficulty making m...
Birmingham MI Home Sellers listing Tip#1, "Check The Financing" Mike Sher, (248) 496-1572, Max Broock With such a difficult Real Estate environment, seller's and Real Estate agents get so excited when they get an offer they forget the fundamental of financing. The Agent also needs to but does ...
Missing Mortgage Payments? It's Not Too Late Wondering what a homeowner should expect when payments are missed? The most important thing to know is that no matter what stage of default a homeowner is in, there is almost always a way to avoid foreclosure. That being said, the quicker a homeowner d...
Great news!!! Finally Bank of America has changed their Equator rules to allow Realtors to switch buyer's if the first buyer walks away. This will improve the short sale process for Bank of America Serviced loans. This is great for the seller, great for the investor and great for the buyer. By al...