My wife and I have been in Washington DC this week at NAR Meetings. We both work on committees and went to the capital to talk with our Representatives and Senators. It quite amazing when you talking to your elected officials they really to want to hear from you. They want to know what your th...
Yes according to USA Today "home prices are widely expected to fall Now that a tax credit for home buyer has expired. That's raising concern about a possible double dip in home prices" Then toward the end of the report which is the lead story in The Money Section they say the following, "There ...
Tell me what you think about Stratigic Defaults----I've kept mostly silent on this blog about a very important issue affecting the housing market -- strategic defaults. This is the phenomenon where a homeowner, so deeply underwater on their home, decides to stop paying the mortgage and let the ba...
It's a busy week for the Realtors Family in Washington DC who have taken their time to do the business of our 1 million plus industry. Here a list of the things they will be taking to their Senators and Representatives about this week. First talking point has to do with Affordable and Available ...
Everyone should read this i found it interesting. It could be a game changer!Could a Social Media Web site be a threat to the dominance of the Google Search Engine? Facebook has introduced a new revolutionary shift in the evolution of the Internet with its announcement last week at the f8 develo...
Yes, playing the Real Estate Game is a Team Sport! I'm writing this blog in responds to a blog I read earlier this morning about Part-Time Agents vs. Full Time Agents. That definition along could be a blog of interest. Below are the things I think are necessary in order to have a Good Real Est...
It's been a real interesting day. It really started the other night when I was watching President Clinton in a interview about how things have change and stayed the same from his days in the White House. He made a statement that I've not been able to get out of my mind. When he was elected Pres...
Yes--Yes Business is fun again. Just like i remembered!! Buyer and Seller are seeing their dreams come true. Here at Team Coldwell Banker Heritage Homes we are doing a lot of things to get buyer in the door. For the second Saturday in a row we are hosting a Buyer's seminar. Last week we had ...
I've been working on our Ad for this Weekend. It's pretty exciting right now in our Market which is West Memphis and Marion Ar. We've seen a big push from buyers looking to take advantage of the Tax Credit. So with that said our ad this weekend is focused on 2 very exciting opportunities. We ...
Happy Easter to all my friends on Active Rain. It's a Great Day to Just say no to anyone who wants to look at a house. Take some time to reflect on the meaning of the day and to be thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ. Take some time to call a Friend and just say Hi. Take some time and spend it...