It's been a long time since my last blog. I'm hoping to have more time to post blogs now that my year as Vice President of NAR is over!! What a great opportunity it was to represent our 1.2 million members. As I begin to plan my year for 2016 I've taken so time to reflect on the past and think ...
Have you ever worked with and agent who thinks they are a sales person? A agent who thinks it is about them? A agent who thinks its about getting their client the best deal? Well if you have...then you know how hard it is to complete a transaction with that agent. Here's to understanding th...
Smell the wood burning. Sharpen you ears and listen to hummingbirds as the buzz around. The sounds of the Ducks as they fly overhead in communication with each other at all times. Watch the Blue Jay the Red Bird as they share the feeder. A quick view of the red fox as he runs through the yard...
Respect. Everyone needs to respect the President and we all need a lesson in compromise. It's a Part of Life we all do it daily!! It's not a sin to compromise I believe it's what makes the world go around. Also, surely the Republican Party know that the American Public understands that raisin...
Just in cased you missed this blog it is well done and well written. If you are a broker, manager or team leader you might want to share this with the balance of your team!Homes, like everything else in life, are an ever-changing commodity. Little more than a century ago most had no central heat...
This is a Great Post on How Realtors should Treat Each Other. It's golden rule in Real Estate Terms. Take time to read this post by Charita Cadenhead.It Doesn't Matter to Me Who Shows My Listings As Long As They Get Shown I had a call the other day from a buyer who wanted to view one of my list...
This is a must read by Lisa Moroniak. She makes some really good points and my favorite is that we make our Business Look to Easy to our Clients. Hope you enjoy the Post as much as I did. Let's Play: Test FSBO's Knowledge of the Real Estate Transaction! I feel like donning my Alex Trebek mustac...
It's Okay to Be Lazy. Here are some things you should think about doing while being Lazy. Lean Back in the Recliner with a Hot Cup of Coffee and your Dog in your lap. What a great way to spend the morning and just relax your mind. Take a long walk with someone special in your life and of course...
It's time to put a smile on your face and Greet the World with that extra Step! It's all about enjoying the moment and the things in life you can control. First lets look at a list of 5 things we can't controll. The Weather. So don't worry about or let it affect you mood. What others are sayin...
Our Realtor Family is so important to our success yet sometimes when I read articles on Active Rain I wonder if the writer of the blog has a clue what our Association does for them or the consumer. It's so easy to be critical of our Association by waving that magic wand that we have and say the...