Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog

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Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog
Most Realtors I talk to in most parts of the country are reporting slowdowns in sales-some of course are worse then others. Yet despite that there are plenty of Realtors who are growing their business-even though the overall market is slowing. They are gaining market share and that is the best pl...
My friend was speaking last week to about 15 Realtors in a room and mentioned he had a property he needed to sell and needed an agent to list it. Immediately, upon getting back to his office he had a call from the Realtor who was also the broker of that office and one of the top agents in the sta...
Each week, surveys 50 mortgage experts from around the country. One of them, Brian Peart, has come out and predicted that the market has already bottomed, that a recession will not happen this year and that we are about to see the stocks run up through the summer and fall. He predict...
"What we ponder and what we think about sets the course of our life. Any day we wish; we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish, we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge. Any day we wish, we can start a new activity. Any day we wish, we can start the proce...
What do you believe about the current market? Do you believe it is dead? Tough? A challenge on every front? Did you know that based on the most recent published numbers by the NAR, existing home sales are barely down from a few years ago level? NEW home sales are down dramatically but existing ho...
If every company that promised to help people recover from financial debt actually did, then the task of choosing one would be easy. But it is not; nor should it be. Decisions concerning your future are important and should be made carefully. That is why we at National Credit Fixers offer some ti...
  Here is a picture of some of us at the 2016 New England Mortgage Expo at Mohegan Casino in front of our "Free Beer Booth". This year we gave away Sam Adams Boston Lager and Sea Hag IPA.Check us out on Indeed: 
One of the most calamitous situations that a person can face is when his or her home is in foreclosure. Often, this is preceded by a job loss or some costly medical emergency. It is at such times that the American dream of home ownership can become more of an American nightmare than anything else...
As joyous and as festive as the holiday season is, it is also a dangerous time of year for two groups of people. The first group consists of people who have good or average credit but who slip into debt due to the gift buying that is a part of the holidays. The second group is made up of people w...
If you are someone who has bad credit you may believe that you have limited options when it comes to your financial future. In many ways you are correct. The pressure of bill collectors breathing down your neck and the disappointment of being turned down for loan after loan, can be very constrain...

Matt Listro

Your Credit Repair Expert
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