Who Are the BIG Winners? Some people are having their best year ever, but they are in the minority. For many Realtors, they have adjusted to a sales pace that is less profitable than it used to be. Lower home prices, longer closings, less net income at the end of the day. They tend to fall
Who Do You Know (Part 2) Yesterday I talked about the grand daddy of all referral questions, “Who do you know?” We talked about how 66% of all business generated by 95% of the successful agents come from 4 sources: friends, family, acquaintances, or a co-worker. That is 2/3rds of all busines
Who Do You Know? The grand daddy of all referral questions is JUST as relevant today. I was reminded of this when I read an article recently. Here are some quick facts and ideas taken from that article that may remind you of the simple things that often get overlooked. 66% of all
Who Do You Want To Be Today? For 80’s buffs, yes, that is from an Oingo Boingo song. Remember them? Anyway, the question stands and is a legitimate question to ask yourself-who do you want to be today? You see, each day we are faced with MANY choices and how you react to those choices wil
Why Plan? Someone shared with me the other day that they were too busy to take time away from their business to do a strategic plan, that they had a basic idea of what they wanted to get accomplished and that they just did the next thing in front of them as fast as possible. And that sounded
FACT: Arthur Guinness & Sons deliberately chose the harp symbol as its logo or symbol to appeal to nationalist pride in Ireland. The harp is also a symbol of Ireland., which appears on the back of their coinage. The Irish Government and Guinness versions of the symbol are identical, except for t
Saint Patrick's Day --> March 17th Saint Patrick is the Roman Catholic Patron Saint of Ireland. He died in the 5th century. St. Patrick built churches and spread the Christian faith for some 30 years in Ireland. There are many myths about St. Patrick, but the most well known is that he drove al
Wisdom From Ben Franklin…. Times are harder now then they were in Ben's day. I think there are clear reasons for this which we can discuss at any time. That being said, I believe certain truths still hold and that life can still be well lived if we choose wisely and choose to live it well.
Worried About this spring market? Don’t be. With the right plan, you can not only survive, but thrive. A great plan starts with clarity on your mission. Why are you doing this? What drives you? This should be a few sentences at most. Once we are clear on our mission, we start dreaming.
This inspired me this week, maybe it will pump you up for this spring market as well, there is something special about the classics: “IF” by Rudyard Kipling “If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all