Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog

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Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog



In the world of credit repair, there are many types of derrogetory accounts. People generaly first think of late payments on credit cards, or colelction accounts for unpaid medical bills. In the most extreme, people think of foreclosures and bankruptcies. But, there are other items which are list...
As I have mentioned in other posts, removing negative items on a person's credit report is only half the credit repair battle. In addition to taking away the bad, you need to also introduce some good. What I mean by that is that you need to demonstrate to the credit reporting agencies that you ha...
When people talk to me about credit repair, they usually only bring up half the equation. They are concerned with their current previous derrogetory items. They want to know about all of their late payments, judgements, or even foreclosures. More importantly, they are only concerned with removing...
I've always been a huge fan of transparancy. When I deal with any kind of company, I like to know who I'm dealing with. It's nice to know who owns a business, in addition to the names and job titles of the people you might interact with when dealing with that business. Because of that, I've taken...
Working in credit repair, I deal with a lot of misinformation and misconceptions about credit every day. By far the most common misconception is the idea that paying off a collection account is a 'catch-all', complete fix. This could not be farther from the truth! The fact is,  It is the event of...
I have been using the National Credit Fixers name for some time, and recently even applied for a trademark! The US patent office granted my request - I guess the length of time that you use a title for carries a lot of weight in the process!   But then I was curious about all the symbols that you...
I've spent some time recently reading reviews of my company, National Credit Fixers, online. It's interesting to see what past customers have to say, as well as what review sites are rating us. In the midst of this research, I was able to see how presopective clients and reviewers viewed my compa...
While many people have heard of the FICO credit score, and know its applications, very few understand the factors that go into computing a FICO score. One of the most overlooked factors is known as 'mix of credit'. This item makes up 10% of your total FICO score - not a percentage to be taken lig...
Most consumers, and everyone in the mortgage and real estate industry, know about the FICO score. Generally, when people talk about a 'credit score', they are talking about FICO. This score is used to approve consumers for loans, mortgages, and credit cards! But the FICO score is not the only ver...
National Credit Fixers has made a print magazine appearance. Anyone who subscribes to us can see us on page 46. Conveniently, we're placed on the same page as an artcile about how credit can help close loans faster!     Anyone get this magazine, and see us?   :)       MattToll Free: 888-NCFIXER (...

Matt Liistro

Your Credit Repair Expert
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