Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog

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Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog



I know many of you, like me, are very interested in the performance of your website. My credit repair site, for example, drives a majority of my business! As such, it is important to gain 'google juice' to make sure your website shows up in search rankings. This allows you to attract the most pos...
Virtually anyone who deals with business, finance, or sales has heard of the FICO score. This credit score is the granddaddy of all credit scores. It is used to check your creditworthiness for a mortgage. But it is also used for other loans, credit cards, employment: the uses are limitless! Over ...
On Monday NCF exhibited at the Ultimate Mortgage Expo: complete with a keg each of Bass and Guinness! With dozens of exhibitors, and a huge conference hall, it can often see overwhelming to try to stand out from the crowd. The key in being able to effectively market yourself in such a large venue...
National Credit Fixers was proud to exhibit at the Ultimate Mortgage Expo this Monday and Tuesday. Held at the Tropicana in Atlantic City, it was a great resource for people in mortgage-related industries, as well as a lot of fun! Was anyone else there and saw our booth?   :)       MattToll Free:...
In any kind of business, you always need to keep a record of client data: and amass a  huge amount of files in the process! Believe me, in this category credit repair is no exception. With hundreds of current clients at any given time, the amount of information that has to be organized is dizzyin...
Like many of you, my website is an integral part of my business. Over half of my clients find me on the internet while searching for credit repair! Because of this, it is crucial that my website is both useful, and that it is highly ranked by search engines! When I designed my original website ye...
I was recently reviewing the computer backup system that I have in my office, and I started to get worried. All of my office's important data is contained on a network drive that everyone can access. This drive is then backed up, every night, to another drive. My thought process back then was tha...

Matt Liistro

Your Credit Repair Expert
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