Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog

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Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog



Over the years, I've worked on different ways to market my business (credit repair) to consumers. My task, in a nutshell, is to convince them that I would do a good job at repairing their credit if hired. Easier said than done. Obviously things like stating that you are "BBB A+ rated" or that you...
Individuals know the importance of their credit score. It determines whether or not they can buy a house, or a car, or get a loan! Their credit score is checked wherever they look, from applying for a job, to applying for a store card, to getting a mortgage. As such, people (or most of them anywa...
National Credit Fixers is proud to be participating in the Ultimate Mortgage Expo on June 10-11 in Atlantic City. This convention will be held at the beautiful Tropicana, and feature over 30 exhibitors. Plus, if you get there a day early, there will also be free NMLS-mandated CE for attendees! No...
If someone had asked me what is the simplest, most overlooked technique to quality credit repair, my answer would likely surprise them: certified mail. Certified mail is the most underrated, underutilized aspect of credit repair. Most credit repair companies don’t employ certified mail (read abou...
Hi everyone, In an average day at my credit repair company, I find myself explaining the process of credit repair multiple times. I figured why not create a video that explains the basics of credit repair to all! Let me know what you think, or anything I could add to make the video more clear!   ...
In my line of work (credit repair), I deal with a TON of different collection agencies. These collection agencies often send out letters to my clients demanding payment for a debt they have been hired to collect, or have acquired themselves. These agencies, however, MUST BE LICENSED in most stat...
My Story A few years back, I did some credit work for a client, and his check bounced. Contacting the client did no good, and he refused to make good on the payment. Eventually, I won in small claims court, which ordered him to pay the amount he owed.   The Tricky Part I soon found out, however, ...
National Credit Fixers will be exhibiting at the Ultimate Mortgage Expo, on June 10th in Atlantic City. This expo will have great speakers, exhibits, and networking! Normally, purchasing a ticket for this expo will run you $295. BUT, if you say you are a guest of NCF, we will WAIVE THE ENTIRE ENT...
National Credit Fixers, your #1 company for credit repair, will have a table at the Ultimate Mortgage Expo in Atlantic City!   If you haven't heard, the Ultimate Mortgage Expo will be a huge conference in Atlantic City, with dozens of exhibits by mortgage and finance companies! National Credit Fi...
For years I have been working to help individuals get what they want (e.g. car loan, mortgage et.c) by improving their credit. But individuals aren't the only ones who are restricted from getting what they want due to bad credit: businesses are too! Businesses seek funding to grow and invest in t...

Matt Liistro

Your Credit Repair Expert
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