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Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog



There are four primary components to any credit score; the scorecards, the characteristics, the variables and the weights. Scorecards - The scorecards are actually scoring models but cannot stand alone as a freestanding credit scoring system.  All properly designed scorecards are built to evaluat...
Mortgage lenders assure consumers that their FICO score is just one of several financial markers that will be used to determine whether or not they'll be approved for a mortgage loan. But the cold reality is that consumers with FICO scores that don't cut the mustard won't get a loan. Few credit a...
>  Kulula is an Airline with head office situated in Johannesburg .> > Kulula airline does not fly internationally.  if you want some of their > humor then you will have to go to South Africa!> > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Heard on Kulula 255 just after...
>  Kulula is an Airline with head office situated in Johannesburg .> > Kulula airline does not fly internationally.  if you want some of their > humor then you will have to go to South Africa!> > -------------------------------------------------------------------->  After a particularly rough lan...
>  Kulula is an Airline with head office situated in Johannesburg .> > Kulula airline does not fly internationally.  if you want some of their > humor then you will have to go to South Africa!> > --------------------------------------------------------------------> > On a Kulula flight, (there is...
I feel very jaded towards the media these days.  I take everything they say with a grain of salt - never sure if I should believe them. Have you heard this one yet: "25% of Americans now have a FICO score under 600".  It's been sensationalized by the media.  I'm not sure who started it but I thin...
When did FICO scores become so powerful? Ranging from 300 to 850, the three digits that make up your FICO credit score carry inordinate power. If your FICO score is at the upper end of the scale, between 700 and 850, your life choices seem limitless. Bankers smile upon you as you walk through the...
On Wednesday July 21 President Obama signed a massive financial overhaul.  Some are calling this FinReg and some are calling it Dodd Frank.  Regardless of what it's called, FinReg accomplishes a major win for consumers referred to as the FACS Act.  The FACS Act is the Fair Access to Credit Scores...
Recent shifts in economic climate have led to a heightened sense of awareness in both lenders and consumers. Prior to 2007, those with near-prime and even sub-prime credit could easily get mortgage loans, auto loans, and other lines of credit. Today it is extremely difficult for those with sub-pr...
You practically can't get by these days without a credit card in your wallet - you can't book a flight, rent a car or get a decent hotel room without the presence of plastic.  The problem that people with poor credit scores have is that it can be difficult to get approved for a good credit card w...

Matt Liistro

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