Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog

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Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog



An older, tired-looking dog wandered into my yard.  I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home and was well taken care of. He calmly came over to me, I gave him a few pats on his head; he then followed me into my house, slowly walked down the hall, curled up in the corner...
Credit Repair in Hawaii National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street Suite 402 East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collections, jud...
Credit Repair in Georgia National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street Suite 402 East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collections, ju...
Ok so you joined ActiveRain and you have a blog (fun aren't they!).  But do you know where the word Blog comes from?  It's a pretty funny sounding word.  The first Blogs weren't called Blogs at all.  They started out being called web logs, presumable because they were logs being kept on the web. ...
Credit Repair in Florida National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street Suite 402 East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collections, ju...
Credit Repair in Delaware National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street Suite 402 East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collections, j...
Today I woke up to a loss of 15,000 ActiveRain Points!  What happened was that all my blogging points and comment points were removed from my blonde joke posts going back - I don't know probably several months. This is probably the excuse that I needed to focus on my work.  ActiveRain has become ...
A blonde gets on an airplane and sits down in the first class section of the plane. The stewardess rushes over to her and tells her she must move to coach because she doesn't have a first class ticket. The blonde replies, "I'm blonde, I'm smart, I have a good job, and I'm staying in first class u...
A blonde goes into the beauty and hair parlor with her walkman on her head. (Walkman - yes it's an 80's joke get over it)"I need to take that walkman off your head," says the beauty specialist as she notices the blonde."You can't! I'll die!" retorts the blonde."I can't cut your hair with the walk...
  Credit Repair in California National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street Suite 402 East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collection...

Matt Liistro

Your Credit Repair Expert
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