Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog

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Matt's Connecticut Credit Repair Company Blog



  Can you get 100,000 points in 6 months? THE ANSWER IS YES YOU CAN! I joined February 5th,2009 and hit 100,000 today on July 31st, 2009! WHAT AN EXCELLENT WAY TO KICK OFF THE WEEKEND!       LETS' CELEBRATE!  :)MattToll Free: 888-NCFIXER (623-4937)Toll Free Fax: 888-FAX-4020 (329-4020)Local: 860-...
      Cosi's is a cute full style cafe complete with mini Italian specialties and some tasty sandwiches in West Hartford Center.  It is fancy for a sandwich place but nice to enjoy lunch with a friend or hang out.  It does by all mean cozy.   The sandwiches are modern and delicious! Cosi's is als...
National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street 4th Floor East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collections, judgments, repossessions, e...
Two snakes were out taking a stroll when the son snake turns to the mother snake and asks: "Mommy! Are we poisonous?""Why, yes we are", says the second.Again the baby snake asks, "Are you sure we're poisonous?""Yes, we are very poisonous."The baby snake becomes very upset. Again, he asks, "Are we...
National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street 4th Floor East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collections, judgments, repossessions, e...
PRISON VS. MOMS In prison, you get three square meals a day.At home, you cook three square meals a day and try to get your kids to eat it.In prison, you get an hour each day in the yard to exercise and mingle.At home you get to clean the yard up so you can mow it so your kids can spread more toys...
Credit Repair in Manchester, CT   National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street 4th Floor East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collec...
I had been doing Tech Support a printer division for about a month when I had a customer call with a problem I just couldn't solve. She could not print yellow. All the other colors would print fine, which truly baffled me because the only true colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow.For instance, gr...
Tutorial: How to get 100 ActiveRain comments! This tutorial can be applied not just to ActiveRain but to all of life! In order to get something from people it is best to give something away first. In that spirit, I would like to give you the reader something of value before asking for something b...
Have you heard the story about the famous art collector? He was strolling around downtown when he noticed a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store. Many might ignore the scene, but something caused him to look a second time. Almost instantly he recognized the saucer as an ...

Matt Liistro

Your Credit Repair Expert
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