This Sunday was one of the best open houses I have done in the 6 years I have sold real estate. Did I have 50 buyers show up with offers? No. Did I sell the house? No. Are you wondering why it was the best ever?? It was wonderful because I wanted to be there....for the first time in years I wante
These are magic words in Real Estate and in years past no good Realtor would let you forget it. While some agents are banking on spring sales I am rethinking, retooling and just plain readjusting my thought pattern towards Real Estate. In the past this time of year was exciting and buzzing with n
Cranberry Township All Brick Provincial, Executive Home Near the new location of Westinghouse. If you're looking for a gorgeous brick Provicinal home in a wonderful location, look no further than 806 Gallant Fox in Cranberry.This 2 story home has a beautiful professionall
I know for myself I find it slightly impossible to balance it all out. As a wife, mother to 5 and a Realtor balance seems to take the back burner along with the laundry most days of the week. I have my certain routines that are kept no mater what, like church on Sunday and a date night with my hu
I am often asked how do I do it all? Wife, Mother of 5 and a Fulltime Real Estate Agent?? In the coming days I would like to share with you how I balance this delicate act and let you peek at my bliss. To be honest I need a few days just to wrap my own mind around it. It has become so second natu