I am finding more and more that the "Boiler Plate Approval Letters the Banks are using have language in them that prevents the seller from closing on their short sale. Instead they allow the home to be foreclosed. This seems a bit anti productive for lenders. After months of negotiating, BPO's,
I am sure Craigs list is full of this sort of stuff. I am going to keep an eye out here in Utah, the scam Capital. Thanks for the informative blog. Many of you already are aware of the various rental scams going on throughout the southland and other blighted areas of the country were foreclosure
Park entrance fees are waived today! Check your local area for more information or go to the www.publiclandsday.org National Public Lands Day 2010 celebrates service and recreation on public lands while educating volunteers about the effects of climate change on our parks. NPLD engages a divers
The perfect Commercial - Residential - Retail property Located in quiet South Weber Utah along the Interstate 89 just south of Weber Canyon. And not in the canyon wind zone. A place for 50 to 75 Apartments or Condos with 4 story zoning and parking underground. Zero lot line retail or office alon
Being in my 50's I really think about everything I eat nowadays. I have to stay away from the fast food. Thanks for the tips. I still need to drop a few pounds. Life in the real estate industry, for better or worse, equals a life filled with chaos. Now for most of us, that's what attracted us
Being the Victim of an electric fire of my own. I am big on smoke detectors. If I were not at home at the time my house would of burnt down. Luckily I put the attic fire out with minimum damage. Where there is smoke there is fire is a shop worn expression but is so important this fall season beca
According to CRS Member Connect Foreclosure filings, including default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions, were reported on 338,836 U.S. properties in August, up 4 percent from July but down 5 percent from August 2009, RealtyTrac reports. One in every 381 U.S. housing units recei
Great newer home with Lots of space 6495 Mount Whitney, Kearns, UT 84118 17 Photos 5 Bed, 3.0 Bath3452 SF Tour # 2291933 Lovely newer home with lost of space and valley views For more information, please contact: Martin Gale RE/MAX Metro South Jordan, UT801-205-35001-877-898-9502 Cell801-32
Steven Covey is a Local in our State of Utah. Thanks for Reminding me of these important habits. In todays economy you have to really make good use of your time. Are you familiar with Stephen Covey's book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" that was released back in the early '90s? If
Do you use a follow up system to keep in touch with past clients, Farm, or ? The Send out Cards system is very easy to use once you go through the initial training. You need to be consistent like any type of follow-up. I am trying to put together a list of Campaigns that are effective. Below are