Overview: Daylight saving time (DST), and "Summer Time" in much of Europe, is the practice of moving local time forward one hour in the spring and backwards in the autumn. These spring and fall shifts to DST are different between northern and southern hemispheres. The start of DST in t
When is it a good time to Retire? As soon as this happens........ retire with dignity....... Retirement Questions to Ask Yourself As you begin planning for retirement, ask yourself these questions: What are my current living expenses? When do I want to retire? What do I want to do in my r
Halloween dates back to the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Even. Symbols of Halloween formed over time with customs of medieval holy days as well as modern day cultures. The souling practice of commemorating the souls in purgatory with candle lanterns c
Your House As Seen By: Yourself. The Buyer... Your Lender... Your Appraiser... And.... Your County Tax Assessor... Have a happy Halloween!
I JUST RECEIVED THIS EMAIL AND COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT I READ? Watch for this AFTER November elections; remember this BEFORE you VOTE in case you think Obama's looking out for your best interest. 1% tax on all bank transactions HR 4646 - ANOTHER NEW OBAMA TAX SLIPPED IN WHILE WE WERE ASLEEP. C
RPAC (Realtors Political Action Committee) is very strong in our State of Utah. Transfer, Conveyance and Mortgage Recording Fees vary from State to State. In Washington State it is a whopping $2560.00! In Utah the number is $0.00 no transfer tax at all! Arizona is sneaky they have the door ope
Message from our Board of Realtors - Utah Change! .... In Other words.......An other step towards Socialism! An Obama Administration commission is considering reducing or eliminating mortgage-interest deductions and other tax breaks in an effort to balance the federal government's budget, acc
Brick Rambler with 5 Bedrooms $203,500.00 4077 Burningham, Taylorsville, UT 84119 24 Photos 5 Bed, 2.5 Bath2580 SF Tour # 2325977 Lots of space in great area! LEASE OPTION AVAILABLE! For more information, please contact: Martin Gale RE/MAX Metro South Jordan, UT801-205-35001-877-898-9502 Cel
Last night Laurie spoke to a recovery specialist at Specialized Loan Servicing out of Colorado. SLS represents the 2nd lienholder in this HAFA transaction. I have worked on this particular transaction for the past 8 months. It took quite a while just to get the HAFA application process go
Yesterday was looking mighty slow so ...... I forgot some of the benefits of being in this business. You can do what you want with your time! The fall weather is coming! Time to go for a Tour of the the Great Wasatch Mountains. Up American Fork Canyon Past the famous Timpanogos Cave National Mo