FASTER SHORT SALE TIME LINES INCLUDED IN FORECLOSURE SETTLEMENT for 5 major loan servicers: Bank of America Corporation, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo & Company, Citigroup Inc. and Ally Financial Inc. Under the terms of the Mortgage Serving Agreement filed in Federal Court on March 12, 2
Once again there are CHANGES TO FHA STREAMLINE REFINANCING beginning June 11, 2012, that could benefit YOU.. Dates are important. In order to REFINANCE two stipulations are that your mortgage must have been endorsed on or before May 31, 2009 and you must be current on your payments. FHA will l
MORE INFORMATION ON FDR BOULEVARD IN ST MARY'S MARYLAND is a follow up on FDR BOULEVARD IN ST MARY'S MARYLAND, written in February 2011. On March 6, 2012 the majority of the St Mary's County Commissioners gave approval to move ahead with the FDR BOULEVARD, from the First Colony PUD, in Californi
Take the time to read about POSSIBLE LEAD PAINT LEGISLATION INFORMATION FOR INVESTORS, LANDLORDS AND TENANTS, Maryland. The purpose of this LEAD PAINT LEGISLATION would be to create a state-run fund to compensate victims of lead-paint poisoning up to $200,000. This Bill was initiated after a law
Be prepared for SMECO CHANGES IN BILLING CYCLE APRIL 2012 SOUTHERN MD Depending on what day SMECO, SOUTHERN MD ELECTRIC CORPORATION, reads your meter you could have a larger or smaller electric bill coming in April or May 2012. SMECO is stream lining its process to improve efficiency and reduce e