Melissa Juarez's (majesq82) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC
The Thomas Crane Library in Quincy, MA will have a book sale starting April 28 through the 30. The Library is located at 40 Washington Street. The sale will include fiction, nonfiction and children's books, CDs and videos.  The cost for books starts at 50 cents.  Hours for the sale are 10 a.m. to...
Are you ready to buy? If you are looking for a great community with a high-quality real estate market, consider Saugus.  In the past few months, Saugus has seen an increase in inventory for homes ranging in price from $249,000 to $649,000.  This means that if you are a Buyer interested in Saugus,...
Spring Daylight Savings Time For 2011 'Spring Ahead' this weekend! March 13 is the second Sunday in March this year, so you will turn your clocks one hour ahead at 2:00 Sunday morning. Melissa A. Juarez ~ Broker/Owner MBBA, LLC Buyer's Ag...
I don't know about you, but I found myself wondering if the price of gas is going to reach $5.00 a gallon soon. This increase in gas has also caused me to re-evaluate my business. The upside to all of this is that by re-evaluating my business choices, I am reaping the benefits of being more organ...
If you have a student in the Milton Public Schools, you probably know that there are many active parent organizations dedicated to improving the quality of education in the schools.  One of these great organizations, the Milton Foundation For Education, will be holding a fundraiser benefiting th...
If you want to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and want to try something different, why not cook an Irish feast for the family?  On Monday, March 7, the Irish Cultural Center, located at 200 New Boston Drive in Canton, MA will sponsor a class on how to prepare an Irish boiled dinner. The class starts...
A starter home is usually the term used to describe a property that is the first a prospective buyer can afford to purchase.  The price of this home will vary from buyer to buyer, usually depending on what each individual can afford.  If you were following market conditions during the 2002-2007 h...
Are you ready to buy? If you are looking for a great community with a high-quality real estate market, consider Saugus.  In the past few months, Saugus has seen an increase in inventory for homes ranging in price from $189,000 to $649,000.  This means that if you are a Buyer interested in Saugus,...
You don't have to travel to Boston to see a great St. Patrick's Day Parade. Abington, MA will hold its annual St.Patrick's day Parade on March 20th.  The parade will begin at 1 p.m. at Abington town center. The Abington St. Patrick's Day Parade is a wonderful aletrnative to the Boston parade.  Th...
A "Taste of Whitman-Hanson" event showcasing food from local restaurants will be held today at the VFW Post on Essex Street in Whitman.  The event is a fundraiser.  All proceeds from the event will go to scholarships benefiting Whitman-Hanson high school students.  What a great way to mingle wit...

Melissa Juarez

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