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Services for Real Estate Pros - Marketing 4 Realtors
How about a little marketing to get your day off to the right start? As a Virtual Assistant, my goal is to help you achieve your goals. Want to grow your business? Come along for the ride as I provide practical tips and suggestions to help you do just that!
Family is Everything - Making Cheese (and Memories!)    This is a shot of two of the littles in our family - my son #3, Elijah, and my nephew, Alexander. Elijah and AJ (as we call him) were born a mere 6 months apart. As a result, they have grown up doing lots of things together. Here they are at...
Unique Marketing Tips: October Here are a few ideas to help spur you into some unique marketing ideas for the month of October! If you'd like assistance in designing even more ideas or implementing a unique marketing campaign, just give me a holler!    October: 5 - Do Something Nice Day - Just do...
Marketing Tip Monday: Facebook For RealAre you using Facebook for real?? I see lots of real estate agents who use Facebook in much the same context that they use ActiveRain. Quite a few postings about new listings or market reports but not much else. There are stagers who only show before and aft...
Marketing Your Business: Social Media 102 - ActiveRainAre you making the most of ActiveRain for your business? It's not just a blogging platform. It is so much more than that. It is social networking to the max for those in the real estate industry. There are so many ways you can use ActiveRain t...
    I’m all about cross-promotion! As a result, I have a blog series called "Stager of the Week." I'll showcase a Professional Stager so that you can "meet" them. Stagers are an excellent way to not only help a property look its absolute best, but to get that property sold as quickly as possible ...
Tuesday Tech Tip: RSS Feeds If you've ever visited a blog or website and really enjoyed reading that site, what is one of the first things you do? Typically, bookmark the page so that you can go back to it and visit it again at a later time. However, if you're anything like me, "a later time" cou...
Family is Everything - A Big Family    Here is my family - there are 16 people in our immediate family (one of my sisters is missing here). This was a picture taken when the twins (who I'm holding) were christened. We were almost all there with my pastor, Mark Ribbins. This was a great day. Of c...
Marketing Tip Monday: Don't Impulse-Buy at ConferencesAt many conferences and conventions, there is one thing that makes a standard appearance: vendors! They are there, no matter the convention. At the NAR Convention in Las Vegas one year, the vendors even walked the hallways to find people to se...
What You Probably Don't Know About Me - Look At Me Now!There is an ActiveRain contest going on that is an effort to help members get to know one another. The point is to post 10 things about your past that people may not know. Then, you post 10 things about you presently that people may not know....
What You Didn't Know About Me - A Blast From My PastThere is an ActiveRain contest going on that is an effort to help members get to know one another. The point is to post 10 things about your past that people may not know. Then, you post 10 things about you currently that people may not know. I'...

Renae Bolton

I'm your Professional Real Estate Marketing VA!
local_phone(216) 965-7611
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How about a little marketing to get your day off to the right start? As a Virtual Assistant, my goal is to help you achieve your goals. Want to grow your business? Come along for the ride as I provide practical tips and suggestions to help you do just that!

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