Today's Tip is about the Letter of Authorization..commonly referred to as the LOA,Before you can even begin the short sale process, you will need to be given written authority to do so by the homeowner / borrower. Without having this document you can not even begin your short sale process. Simply...
Although all lenders have varying requirements and may demand that a borrower submit a wide array of documentation, there are, what we believe, and have come to know, as the 10 Essential Elements of A Short Sale Package. Here is a tip on the first element of the Short Sale PackageTip # 1: The ...
This came in from our broker and speaks to one of our communities. 100 best places to live and launch (Fortune Magazine)3. Buford, Ga. · Luxury at home: Our full profile of Buford, Ga. • Talk back: What do you think of Buford? Population: 13,576P...
As we encounter the people we work with, we need to realize that each one is different and that we all come from different places and have experienced different things to create just who we are right now. Right now just left and we are now different from even those who we were with 5 minutes ago...
A man I know sent me this as I was struggling to figure out the reason I was struggling. Hope you enjoy it. THERE IS NO SUCCESS WITHOUT HARDSHIP The world is so constructed that if you wish to enjoy its pleasures,you must also endure its pains.Like it or not, you cannot have one without the oth...
I thought this was a good visual to the fact that there are still a lot of people to work with. We just might have to look for them in a different way.What Do You See?An economist asked to talk to a business group about the recession, and she began by pinning up a large sheet of white paper upon...
I just found out about this meeting and wanted every one to be able to get the information. It is filling up quickly.Meeting the Market Challenge in 2008 THURSDAY APRIL 17, 2008 Atlanta and ORLANDOHelping Homebuyers Make Informed Decisions(Realtor CineMeetings)Benefits to the Realtor - Why Atten...
Recently I met a lady who wanted to look at a home in a new home subdivision I work in. As we were walking through the homes, she said she would not be able to by a home because she didn't have a job yet. In further discussion, she made a simple comment about waiting for a settlement on a worke...
There are very few builders I would recommend to a client for then to have a new home built to meet the client's needs. The builders I list here have an eye for detail and like to put extra quality into their homes. I have worked in one capacity or another for each of these and know the product ...
Not long after my first wife died after a 21 year "terminal" illness, I wrote the following study to make me realize what we as a child of God ought to be focusing on in our daily walk on this earth. As I watched at her funeral, I was amazed that so many people had watched her as an example of ...