For years I have wondered why it is we as human beings would bow down to anything. After looking at diifferent things, one thig stays in the forefront of thought. Bowing down to anything is a form of respect and adoration to that thing. Is it the television? Is it the power of the $dollar$? Is ...
I don't know about the rest of you, but I logged on to my main email account just a minute ago and there were about 30 emails via Active Rain saying that emails that had been sent out through the AR email system had not been deliverable. I was getting paranoid about no one replying to my emails ...
If you have never been to one of Gwinnett Counties local parks, yoiu are missing out on a great time. The entrance to the park shows up after you turn off New Hope Road. The park is 800 acres of lakes, woods, walking trails, horse trails, fishing docks, playgrounds, picnic pavillions, plenty of ...
Some 40 + years ago I heard a song that has stayed in my heart, soul and mind that I hope to never forget. The song is originally written by Stuart Hamblin and speaks to so many questions we are willing to ask as children but as we "mature" we choose not to ask such "foolish" questions. It real...
What is it about being positive that allows you to see positive things about other people? After thinking about thie idea of being positive and inspiring in the way we live our lives, I was reminded about a couple of co-workers that I "knew" would like to be around each other. You see, they work...
I am proud of our flag and know you are as well. Below is some of the information about our flag and the day we should celebrate it for what it stands for. After the information, I have copied a link to a video with a good song about our flag and what it means to us as nation. Stand with me to...
I sat there this morning vbeing challenged to see if I really had a hero worth actually being a hero. The first one that popped into my brain was Superman, of course. Of course, he could not really be a hero as he can be destroyed by Kryptonite and they keep changing what he really looks like. Y...
Summer has started. School is out and the fun begins (only if you live here or decide to purchase here). The tennis courts are busy, the pool is open, the basketball court is available and the club house is waiting for the party. Why are you not already here? Summer has turned hot and the pool i...
As I sat down today thinking about what it is that makes this business a good place to be, I wondered what things remind us of how we conduct our business in a world that seems to be growing more bent on being dishonest, walking over other people to get what "I" want without regard to another's f...
Well that about says it all. Little league baseball is over for the most of the county. My son played for the first time this year on a team that had never been before. His school had never fielded a Middle School team until this year. They played in a league with 11 other school in the area....