Listening to talk radio can put ideas out on the waters oif the mind like nothing else. When I am in the vehicle traveling, I listen to WSB AM 750. It happens to be either #1 or #2 in coverage and power in the eastern United States. It has been around long enough to only have 3 call letters in...
Is there any other way to say thank you to someone who has made you smile than by telling as many others about them as you possibly can? That is what this post is about. You see since I have been allowed into this family there are some who have made differences for me. Some that come to mind a...
Deb was kind enough to listen to a still small voice after reading one of my post and attached a picture of A Black Eyed Susan in her comment. It came at a special time for me as I had planted (for the first time ever) some Black Eyed Susans in my flower garden. Well guess what, mine finally bl...
Well, guess what? We started this with 88,910 about a week ago. We saw the numbers go down instead of up. We saw the numbers stay at 88,432 for a good while. Now we see the number at 89,310 where it has been for a day or two. Did we decide to mess the game up or is there a valid reason for w...
These are two of the important things in my life. God is number one and I am proud to say I would share Him with you. As we in the real estate industry work to assist people to follow dreams of owning their own home, we do so because there are people serving in our military to protect the free...
Earlier today, I read a post from Kathy McGraw ~ Calif Broker that talked about following our dreams. I could not get the post off my mind and decided to take what she reached out with and send this back to her as well as everyone else whose dreams may not be there yet or who has put their dream...
Right now this is the 4th time I have tried to post this and am wondering if there might be something to some of what I have read along the lines of who gets what done here. I am not concerned with Bill as I never met him, read blogs or anything else. I do know why we have the freedom today to b...
I have been enjoying the time spent with my new family and had a question for you. How does your spring smile on you? I would like to hear or see from you what makes your smile show up during the spring. Is it flowers, family, friends, pets, contracts, beaches, mountains, lakes, rivers, or any...
I am impressed with the growth of our family and thought it would be fun to see if anyone could determine the day we turn 90,000. I would not have clue as to how to predict with any accuracy, but I know some of this family could probably do it in their sleep. So here is the callenge, guess the d...
I take this time to thank a woman I have not yet met except over the phone. Nancy Nevins is a Re/Max owner/broker in Waukee, Iowa who knows how to work and works to make things happen. I had the honor to meet Nancy as I needed to refer a client with a home to sell in her area. I went through o...