Recently one of the groups I like to participate with had it's name changed. Neal Bloom-Realtor ® Assoc.-CRS-Weston FL decided to change it after some things happening which did not really follow the guidelines in which it had been established. After changing the name of the group, Neal is bein...
I would like to share an article printed in Newsweek a couple weeks ago about two young men that will make an impact on the lives of many people. Peter Brewin and William Crawford are making news because they saw a need and acted on it. Having visite a refugee camp in Uganda opened their eyes t...
I don't know how many really care much about what happens inside our military, but I believe that we need to take a different look at what really goes on behind the scenes. There is a 10 hour look into the real Navy starting tonight. I am enclosing a heads up email sent from the Chief of Naval ...
Have you ever wanted to just get away for an evening. We did tonight and we decided to go back to one of our favorites. It is located east of Lawrenceville, Georgia about 10 miles in Winder, Georgia in the Walmart complex on Highway 29 about two miles west of Winder. It is about three years ol...
Have you ever known an artist who takes their artwork to the level of being able to use their artwork for something practical and useful? My best friend is one of the few artists in the world who has the gift to to go to that level. Jim Hammond is an artist who displays his artwork in the form ...
I am really a sucker for web sites about space. I long to be able to go there and dream about it, watch shows about it, watch the NASA TV on cable to see what is happening with the International Space Station, go outside to watch for it to fly over if the time is right. So when I found out abou...
Recently I read a post by Jason Crouch that led me to another site that challenged us to post about a song from a movie that touched us. I saw the movie "Ghost" I think for the first time with my first wife around 1990. In that movie was a song from the Righteous Brothers that really developed ...
I don't know if any of you follow this American leader or not but he has a new book out that asks some pointed questions. The book is titled "Where Have All The Leaders Gone?" Here is an example of what you will read. See if this get s fire burning when you think about what he says.Lee Iacocca ...
Yesterday in a blog posted by Dorene Shirley, she asked a question that we all should be asking and persuing with every part of our life. The question basically asked how to effectively pass on to the next generations a legacy that will assist in making their world a better place. Recently I re...
I just found out that my aunt (mom's sister) Helen Viles went to live with our God early this morning. She lived in Pueblo, Colorado and now is safe in her Father's arms. She gets to see her husband again and I know she is excited about that. She is 89 years old and starts on eternity today. ...