Here are some statistics for the Charleston, SC real estate market. Buy now before our prices start climbing again. Also, to take advantge of the $8,000. Tax Credit you must close on your home by November 30, 2009. You're running out of time if you're interested in new construction. See htt
Well, duh, you say. But you'd never know it with all the fuss over whatever latest & greatest way there is for us to all bore each to death with announcements of listings stay in touch. As I wrote last month, I've even been told that "If I don't Twitter, I'll fail." (as a real estate agent? As a
Here is some great information to share with your first time homebuyers regarding the new $8,000 tax credit. I hope this will help all of us. $8,000 Home Buyer Tax Credit at a Glance The tax credit is for first-time home buyers only. The tax credit does not have to be repaid. The tax credit
WARNING TO HOMESELLERS! I received a phone call this morning from the owner of a home I showed one of my clients this past winter. He just asked me a few questions and then told me his story. I am not the Realtor he's trying to find. Several showings have been scheduled for this home. In on
If you are one the many who purchased a home before July 1, 2006 and now find it necessary to sell your home, only to find out it is worth thousands of dollars less than what you paid for it, there may be some help for you. We haven't heard much about this, but located in the thousands of pages i
The current mortgage crisis has brought about increased awareness of mortgage loans fraught with errors that could allow homeowners to completely rescind their mortgage loan, including those homeowners facing foreclosure. Violations of the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) have proven to be ver
With all there is to do in Charleston, SC, it's time to visit us again. The weather is beautiful and activity abounds in the Low Country. The Preservation Society of Charleston is hosting its 32nd Annual Fall Tours of Homes and Gardens. This five week event begins on September 25 and ends Oct
NEW HOUSING STIMULUS BILL Here is some information on the new Housing Stimulus Bill. The new bill cannot be used in conjunction with the Down-payment assistance program. Therefore, if you are a buyer that needs down-payment assistance, that loan must close before 9/30/2008 in order to qualify,
Summerville, SC A little of the Present. A little of the Past. Summerville, SC is growing at an amazing pace. New Census Bureau estimates show that
Thinking of relocating to our beautiful Charleston, SC area? This city is as naturally beautiful as it is historically rich, and its residents are a wonderful group of friendly people from all over the world. The historic downtown district is loaded with century's old glimpses into the past alo