I actually sent this to a new local Google advertising client of mine ( I subcontract to web designers) a moment ago and thought it prudent to repost here: Here's what needs to happen before we can start on your Local SEO: We (the client and me/us) need to research what keyword phrase to target.
Most common SEO (which is to say Marketing) mistake I see over and over again with YouTube marketing is what people name their YouTube channel. There are several parts to a Youtube in terms of marketing, there are also 2 separate but related "marketing targets" you are competing with in terms of
Frederick County Real Estate Market Report Baker Park Fountain for July 2011 provided by the Highland Group, Statistics have been published by MRIS* Here are the highlights: County-wide 2011 2010 % Change Avg. Price $261,000 $274,600 -6% Median Price $235,000 $245,000 -4% DOM 111 87 +28% # homes