Let's talk Albuquerque

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Living Albuquerque - 16784
And the Winners are in...Bryan Robertson of Los Altos CA sponsored what I bellieve to be the most fun contest for the holiday season...He has recently selected the Winners.  Here is the official rellease. Margaret Rome is the Sirst Place Winner.  Congratulation MargaretThe winners are all set!  I...
It seems like yesterday our country experienced the biggest bank heist in it history.  Many of The scammers are still out there on the loose.  It leaves me wondering...Why is it that white collar crimes are seldom punished?  This story is more of an exception to the rule.  We need to see more of ...
Her story reads similar to my story, I signed up in 2008 and disn;t start any significant posting until 2010. But that's probably the extent of the comparison.  Anna Banana Krutchen is definitely an Active Rain Power Player. Here is why I say this...she is RELEVANT...This post is a must read for ...
It seems like yesterday the housing bubble popped, our  economy went into freefall, and we experienced what was described as one of the worst recession in our history.  One of the contributing causes for this was unqualified buyers being qualified and approved for loans they could not afford.  No...
It may come as a surprise to some, but fraud is more rampant now than ever before.  Joe Petrowsky of Right Trac Financial Group in Manchaster, Ct has provided us with some great tips  to keep us out of being fallen victim to the fraudster just lurking in the shadows.  This is a must read for all ...
As the Holiday Approaches, it is inevitable, that some will encounter the "Holiday Blues."  Here is a beautif floral from my friend Joshua Zargarii, that can brighten your day and uplift your spirits.  I wish you all the best! MJ DECORATORS WORKSHOP- specializing in WALL UPHOLSTERY,WINDOW TREATME...
The tree you use during Christmas, whether it's real or artificial is definitely a matter of personal choice. Wayne Johnson has definitely done a good job in this post about the subject.  Check out his post... wothy of a re-blogWhat's Your Christmas Tree of Choice-Real or Artificial? When I was a...
Wayne Johnson  of San Antonio has definitely hit this one out of the park.  In light of the recent shootings, we should really dig a little deeper inside.  What would I do if I find myself in an active shooter situation?  Watch the video...Surviving is a constant quest for plants and animals. We ...
Shopping online?  Here are some very good online sites that you are granted a high degree of security.  As you do your holiiday shopping, instead of physically walking into a store, you may visit them online.  Shop with ConfidenceWhen searching for a product online it’s unfortunately too easy to ...
Albuquerque City Council Meeting The next Albuquerque City Council Meeting will be held on Monday, December 17, 2012 from 5:00 – 10:30 pm Location: Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center 1 Civic Plaza NW, Basement Level, Vincent E. Griego Chambers Albuquerque, NM 87102. This meeting is o...

C. Lloyd McKenzie

Living Albuquerque
smartphone(505) 750-8552
Contact The Author
Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, New Mexico are among the most stable real estate markets in the United States. This has caught the attention of the national media. As such, it is incumbent on local Realtors to provide information about our cities for those interested in investing, relocating, or visiting. My goal with this blog is to highlight issues or topics in real estate, and where appropriate apply them to the local markets.