Now I never thought that I would see this comparison made, but Lanise Warrior made it and I think it is deserving of a re-blog. Please stop by Lanise's blog and leave her a comment Photo Courtesy: Taylor Hawke After the 21 Blogs in 21 Days Challenge, I've took a couple of days off, of Blogging...
Today is indeed one of the biggest days in professional sports. Barring an emergency, I would not be anywhere bue infront of my TV watching the game. Tanya Van Blake-Coleman has definitely asked the right question. Matters not your motivation, this is always an entertaining occasion. Please st...
If you have not yet joined this Challenge you need to get with it. The Deadline approaches, so I would recommend that you think about it. This is not just about entering a contest and making points. Having an accountability partner is crucial when you are trying to make lifestyle changes Every...
Do you use DocuSign? BEWARE of SCAMMERS! Thanks to Ralph and Jeanne for providing is this alert. It is always a great idea to login to your DocuSign Account instead of clicking of links via email. You never know what danger lurks below the surface...Set your Email Spam Filter to on. I got wha...
Thanks to Brenda Mullen I was made aware of the fact that Active Rain has a You Tube Channel. They currently have 55 videos on it, I will be checking it out. I hope you will too Did You Know that Active Rain Has a You Tube Channel? I have been here at Active Rain for a few years now and I knew...
Don't you wish your "Website could navigate this Social Media Maze Automatically?" As my friend Kevin Tolbert retorted, I too feel that we are saturated with all these social media vehicle. Please stop by Kevin's blog and leave him a comment On Activerain, the Realtor's friend when it comes to ...
You may not have been aware of this but Tuesday, February 5, 2013 is National Pancake Day. You will be treated to a stack of pancakes if you visit your local IHOP. Remember to eat in moderation. Celebrate National Pancake Day with free Short Stack at IHOP KatyTuesday February 5, 2013 is Nationa...
Now all of us aspire to be here. I wanted to support Ron Marsall ...I will disable comment to this re-nblog so that you can go over Ron's blog and show your support Check it out! I am a Rainmaker now. I listened to the advice, and now I will be public. Wow! Think of the exposure I can get n...
Interesting post by Paddy Deighan that is deserving of a re-blog. The title of his post speaks for itself. The interesting thing is how many of us believes these predictions anyway. They will be revising their prediction at a later date. Very good information Fannie Mae indicates slow growth...
The Flu Season is now in full force. Getting the flu shot does not necessarily means you won't get the flu. I am told that having taken the flu shot made it less severe. Do whatever you can to protect yourself. Thanks to Joe Petrowsky of Manchester, Connecticut for providing us some great tip...