Dear Consumers:I want to share the experience of one of my clients that highlights where a lot of misunderstandings occur regarding what specific responsibilities your real estate team (agent/broker, escrow officer, lender, qualified intermediary) has during your transaction.Once upon a time. . ....
SALE v. EXCHANGEIn the example below we bring the previous two posts together to demonstrate the power of a 1031 exchange and how it permits the taxpayer to defer the payment of capital gain tax, so that he/she can use the amount they would have paid the IRS as additional equity in their new rep...
Now that you've seen how to calculate the Net Adjusted Basis, you are ready to begin calculating the capital the seller may recognize on their taxes if they do not do a 1031 exchange.You will take the current sale price, subtract the net adjusted basis, then subtract the closing costs. This will ...
After reading some of the comments from "To Exchange or Not to Exchange? That is the question," I thought it would be helpful to post information about NET ADJUSTED BASIS.The simplified way of determining whether there is a potential capital gain on the sale of property is to subtract the origina...
REASONS NOT TO DO AN EXCHANGEIn the previous post we reviewed why an exchange may still be necessary to defer capital gain taxes even if the value of the investment property has declined. Now we will look at reasons some tax advisors may suggest that their clients NOT DO AN EXCHANGE. This is prov...
AN EXCHANGE MAY STILL BE NECESSARY IN A DECLINING MARKETIS AN EXCHANGE NECESSARY WHEN PROPERTY PRICES ARE DECLINING?Generally, if the value of property at the time of sale is lower than the purchase there will not be a capital gain issue and hence, no need for a 1031 exchange to defer the capital...
WHAT IS A §1031 EXCHANGE?Here's a concise way and simple way to describe a 1031 Exchange. . . Thanks to IRC §1031, a properly structured exchange allows an investor to sell a property, to reinvest the proceeds in a new property and to defer all capital gain taxes. IRC §1031 (a)(1) states: "N...
WHAT DO YOUR QI's CUSTOMERS SAY?Asset Preservation, Inc. (API) is committed to providing everyone with our top notch customer service. Whether a first time exchanger, repeat client or a large national account, API strives to provide fast, knowledgeable and friendly customer service throughout t...
"FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE STEPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL TRANSACTION" RELINQUISHED PROPERTY SALE (PHASE I)Contract Stage:1. Negotiate & sign contract as seller and/or assignee.2. Include language in the contract to establish an intent to perform a §1031 tax deferred exchange. (Call API for the suggested excha...
Your Escrow Officer and 1031 ExchangesYOUR CHOICE OF ESCROW OFFICER CAN IMPACT YOUR CLIENT'S EXCHANGE Your choice of escrow officer is important no matter how complex (or straightforward) the transaction. However, when the transaction involves the sale of relinquished property in a 1031 exchange ...