Today the Fed announced its second consecutive decrease in rates, cutting another 0.25% from the Fed Funds Rate. This change could directly impact millions of American borrowers.Are you one of them? Adjustable Rate MortgagesIf you currently have an ARM that is scheduled to reset in the next 14 mo
10/31/2007 I went on this site and found out, shockingly enough, that there were 5 registered sex offenders "close enough" for me to be concerned. Look at this list and put in your zip code, address, city, state or whatever and make sure that you are with your kids d
Despite what our media wants us to believe....the U.S. economy and Wall Street seem to believe that our economy isn't nearly as bad as the media outlets want us to buy into. Look at the headlines from Bloomberg over the last week; Bloomberg Market News Goldman of Asteri Says Rating Agencies Did
Prayer is such an important aspect of my life....I really have grown to love praying. For me it's about connecting with Christ. I have some Muslim friends, bhuddist friends and co-workers who are self-proclaimed athiests..... My point?I'm not perfect. never have been, never will be....but I ma
Free us from Campton Hills has a political PAC organization. is the website. I've posted so many times about this. I'm not involved politically in a direct, tacit or indirect way. I'm just a concerned citizen who hates the irresponsible government that exis
Last night I wrote about the investigation that Angelo Mozilo at CW is undergoing for purported SEC violations. I said that I really admire Angelo for his creative, cutting edge approach, but that he now is under the scrutiny of the SEC. If something bad happens, then the house of cards in the
Interesting development coming down the pipeline in Campton VHills, Village, Township or whatever these people are calling themselves now. There is obvious opposition to this tax raising entity. These people ran on a slate saying that they are not going to raise taxes, but have already pushed f
Hey, I have found some valuable valuable podcasts on the web. I believe that they are videos and the websites say that they are fee....How do I download them to I tunes so that I can watch and listen to them later? Can podcasts be videos or am I just a stupid "I" geek that doesn't know what the
Reuters News Service and the Associated Press are both quoting a story in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that Angelo Mozilo, is under an informal investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). People think that this is the next Enron in the works. This would NOT be a good
Campton Hills trustees can't agree on how much they are to be paid. Patsy Smith, who is now shoving a tax increase to the community for a police force increase, is now asking for more money for herself. This is from the administration that ran it's campaign on not having to need new taxes to cr