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Designed as an open forum that just allows people to talk about anything pertinent. Not politically correct...just facts, fun, advice, expertise and opinions expressed here.



Hey Active Rainer's....who is your favorite person to read and why?  I have subscribed to a select few people to read.  Here are my criteria....1)  Good balance between personal and business...in other words not shoving crap down my throat...2)  Don't shove crap down my throat!  3)  Good personal...
Want to move your listings....use the mortgage abatement program.  What this program does is allow homebuyers to not pay 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or up to 6 payments.  That's it!  The homebuyer doesn't need to make mortgage payments for up to six months.  So instead of just numerous price reductions, why no...
We'll see.  today they lost again to Purdue Boilermakers.  Purdue improved to 5-0 and Notre Dame dropped to 0-5.  People are calling for the head of Charlie Weiss.  But I got to tell you this is a rebuilding year.  9 of 11 starters of Notre Dame's Offense graduated last year.  Of course, Charlie ...
I just posted yesterday about operating in the grey area of ethics.  Many have commented and said that there is no room to operate here.  My point is that if you're truly engaged in real estate, that you're not a part timer, then you will run into grey....You'll run into it often.  There is no ab...
I have no problems with walking in the gray area of ethics, but questions need to be asked.  When I first got in the business, my old boss told me to copy a signature from the file in order to put it on a form that the borrowers verbally agreed to, but didnt' have the time to sign.  He got on the...
I am convinced that the tongue is the most powerful weapon any person owns.  Words alone have been the precipitating factors to many wars.  As a result, many have died from the wars that have been waged that have been started by words of others.  Additionally, as we've seen recently, careers have...
Pretty simple, pretty straightforward?  Why do I ask?  There are people that I've seen within my county that now show as "profile is no longer active".  So I got to a wondering....what is the trigger that makes you inactiver?  Is there a length of time that you don't post or comment that a trigge...
You hear about that Russian woman from the Ukraine that gave birth to that 17 pound, 1 oz kid?  It was her 12th kid.  Crazy.  She's from Siberia, which probably is not a good place to buy real estate or vacation....because from the sound of it, there's really not much else to do, but....well....y...
I saw a post not too long ago from a realtor who opposes loan officers giving realtors buyers to buy homes.  I'm curious...why would a realtor think that way?  One reason is that perhaps the realtor will feel "beholden" to the originator.  Another reason is possibly the realtor thinks that the lo...
Mortgage News Daily says that....housing starts in August hit the lowest level on an annualized basis since July 1995. The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released a joint report on Wednesday showing that privately owned housing starts in August were at...

Larry Bettag

Vice-President of National Production
local_phone(630) 524-9677
smartphone(630) 417-7172
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 1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 4 And where I go you know, and the way you know.”
(John 14:1-4, New King James Version) I review for BookSneeze

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