Points, Points, Points.....When it comes to scoring of points I have a question....I had a banner day one day when I scored almost 2,000 points in one day. I know that we're all in blogging just for the graciousness of who we are...and to inform each other....and to dialogue....but I, yes me....
Temporary buydowns are hot now. Through the use of Temporary buydowns, you can get a 30 year fixed rate today with a discounted first year start rate at just 3.5%. This means that you qualify at 3.5% and your payments are based on 3.5%. The next year, your rate goes to 4.5%, the next year 5.5%
Tired of all of your subprime loans going down the tube? Too many crappy deals? Don't flush your deals away.......Seek FHA as a viable alternative-Can have a 30 year rate discounted 1, 2 or 3 percent for up to the first 3 years-HUGE!!!!!-95% Cash out refinances-FHA says no minimum credit score
Cicadas are all over the place....every 17 years they say. we have not a single one in Saint Charles.....but 3 miles away, you can't go for a run without crunching a million of these creatures.....how far across the nation are these suckers showing up. They're harmless, but beautiful.....are t
Every year I go up to the Arctic Cirlcle for vacation. I can't do it this year since I'm having my 5th kid in the next 2 weeks. What do you do for your summer vacation?????/ I was here with my 3 brothers and my dad last summer....it was sooooo cool. we all caught huge fish, but most importantl
On Tuesday RealtyTrac released some pretty scary numbers relating to foreclosures. According to its data, RealtyTrac said, more than 176,000 people got foreclosure notices in May, an increase of 90 percent since the same month one year ago and the highest figure ever recorded in their monthly rep
FATHERS' DAY HISTORY Sonora Dodd, of Washington, first had the idea of a "father's day." She thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909. Sonora wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. Smart, who was a Civil War veteran, was widowed when
The Advantages of Single Close Construction Loans Single close construction loans are a competitive advantage gaining in popularity for several reasons, offering significant savings and greater convenience to both builders and buyers alike. To start, single close loans require only one set of
I did the same search and got this off of the HUD site. This opens up a myriad of topics for all to enjoy///explore or request me to attempt to blog about in reference to the mortgage side of blogging.....Here's a list of topics: 203(b): FHA program which provides mortgage insurance to protect l
I was thinking about what to blog about today and I reviewed all 50+ post that I had put out there. I thought to myself....hmmmmmnnn what else can I blog about. I did a search and this is what wikipedia came up with for ideas on just real esate.....so.....If you're looking for topics....or have