North Georgia Life

Real Estate Agent - All Mountain Realty
Wednesday, September 7, 2011   It used to be said is that all you need is a fat wallet and a thick skin to run for any office.  I agree with that assertion, but have to add that you need so much more today! The average POA campaign costs close to $2...
The first question on everyone mind when you announce that you are running for an office is...WHY???Because everyone knows that it is extremely hard work and take an exorbitant amount of time...something we seem to have less of as we age. Actually I was called by a Big Canoe Nominating Committee ...
It's finally here! Bears on the Square 2011!  Dahlonega has that old time town square so prevalent in Georgia towns and it has not be obliterated by fast food or big box entities! The town is still charming, quaint and has wonderful, unique shopping and restaurants. Bears on the Square offers sho...
Gated communities have their pros and cons but up here in the North Georgia Mountains I think that gating is essential for security and properties to hold their values. Security should be on every property owners mind and when you get out in the secluded forests police coverage is often minimal a...
Hard to imagine why Sprite was tossed out in the cold This article was written by Carol Munroe the President of Big Canoe Animal Rescue. Please contact this No Kill facility if you have any questions, want to donate money or time, or have an interest in any of it's fabulous dogs! Sprite prefers ...
Activity is picking up and I am noticing a new phenomenon .  I have been sending properties out to a number of "Just Looking" folks over the years and today had a rude awakening. I actually got a "Thank You" from one of my JL's for the help that I had been;  they just closed on a home and no long...
One of the most important attribute of living in a gated community, here in the North Georgia Mountains, is the extra level of safety and value the gate gives your property. The gate affords more value because usual with the gate comes stricter CCR's or Homeowner's Association Rules. They govern,...
When showing property up here in the North Georgia Mountains, the first thing that MUST be established is whether or not a view is important.  Some properties are nestled in a glen with creeks and plenty of privacy, some are alongside a golf course or lake, but some are perched on the mountain an...
Well Jeff Underwood did it...he got the National Christmas Tree to Dahlonega, saw his family and helped throw a good party to start off the Christmas season here in the North Georgia Mountains. Even the weather cooperated! Slightly cool but a bright night, so scarfs were in order and hot chocolat...
I used to live"up north" and locals actually found "leaf peepers" annoying, but that is so not the case in Georgia! We are all savvy enough these days to know to work around the crush of extra traffic and we all appreciate what our visitors add to the economy. Besides. I, personally, love the vie...

Linda Carrig

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smartphone(678) 665-9276
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Chats about living in the North Georgia Mountains. Restaurants, events, festivals,weather, real estate and just the good life!