We commonly receive calls from customers having problems connecting to the web or email even though that is part of their ISP's support role (we're just easier to call). The usual symptoms are "connection" errors returned by Outlook or "cannot find" errors returned by Internet Explorer.Before na
The retail looks forward to this day (Black Friday) with anticipation of taking their profit and loss balance sheets from the "red" and into the "black". I have another view of today. This is the first business day of the holiday season and the market traditionally plummets. There will be very
I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. Like many people, we spent a very significant portion of the day on the road. First with a two hour trip to Aberdeen visiting the aging segment of our family. This whirlwind gathering was capped off with a delicioussandwich and salid
I'm curious if many agents are getting results from DRIP marketing campaigns. (results in the form of closed transactions)I've always held that ours is a "people business" that requires relationships. Most DRIP real estate marketing material that I've seen is obviously canned and not at all per
This data compares websites for companies based in Washington that also cross the border into other states (mostly in the western states). Multi-State Sites:The Windermere and Redfin sites held steady while the other sites slipped somewhat. It always surprises me when the Windermere and John L.
I'm late again in updating traffic trends for Washington real estate web sites as observed by third party monitors. YIPPEE!!! This report reflects our site at http://www.nwrealty.com/ has again surpassed the on-line patronage of the NWMLS public website. Washington Only Real Estate Sites:Beside
Google Analytics tools are tracking some unexpected trends for our Washington Real Estate website as we head into the holiday season. A really useful feature is the ability to compare a window of statistical data with data in the past. Here's what I'm monitoring for the period of 10/17 thru 11/
That's right ... Keep It Simple you Silly blogger!There are many blogs that I would really like to comment on but unfortunately I just don't have the time to read very many 5000 word essays. And looking at the comment counts, I'm not the only one. Commenting is a critical component of a success
Want Buyers? List some homes! Buyers are attracted to real estate listings like bees to honey. Everyday while talking with brokers & agents and reading blogs I hear/read "We need buyers!". Well ... you need listings! Half of the agents are preoccupied with attracting buyers and shy away from
We're again adding more Washington real estate broker and agent members to the nwRealty Network. Agents and brokers with more listings continue to benefit the greatest from our system. Equitable numbers of exclusive leads are generation for true "Buyer's Agents". Between October 18th and Novem