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May the sun always shine in your face and wind always be at your back.  May the sun never set on an unhappy event in your life and may it never rain on your parade.  Wouldn't this be a wonderful way to live our lives?  Always sunny weather.  Never any hardship or stife. I know I would love it.  O...
  As I sit here watching "Meet The Press" this Sunday morning, I am amazed at some of the comments and verbiage that is being used in this economic crisis.  There are words such as:  Crash, Panic, Hysteria, Fear, Trepidation and many more that are causing to some degree, the current lack of confi...
With the ever increasing trauma in the financial world, there are more and more individuals who are beginning to panic.  They are pulling their money our of the market with standing orders to sell all of their stocks.   At least this is what national headline news is saying. It is true that there...
$8000.00 Federal tax credit.  If you only owe $2000.00 in taxes at the end of this (2008) and buy a home after Jan. of 2009, you will be eligible for the tax credit of $8000.00 in the form of a Government check , a reduction of the amount of income taxes that you owe, or a combination of the two....
Did you ever have one of those days when everything went your way and whoever you talked to or interacted with was positive?  Didn't that make you feel great?  If you are like I am, you probably became happier and in turn treated everyone around you differently.  You were more enthusiastic, joyfu...
I have only been selling real estate for a little over six years now.  One might say that timing is everything and that my timing sucks.  LOL.  I got into a new career that has been on the decline ever since I entered this profession.  I never experienced any of the boom years that so many of you...
The weekend is upon us and here we are.  Spending that much needed time relaxing, watching TV, wasting away the hours until that dreaded day, Monday once again passes through our life. Is this how you feel?  Do you wish the weekend would never end?  Then, my friend, you are in a career that needs...
Shoes...  how do yours look?  Are they new, old, stylish?  Tennis shoes, walking shoes, heels, flats, loafers or whatever?  Do they shine or are they dull, dirty, muddy, scuffed? Now, I am the first to know that the economy is difficult today and that many of us do not have the money to purchase ...
There are a number of situations that are causing quite a stir in the real estate profession of late.  There are also the same number of situations that are affecting the auto industry.  Now, we cannot afford to listen to what is being said about the slow down in sales, the lack of bank financing...
I live in the Mid-west and am located in Waukesha county.  Waukesha county has been blessed with numerous lakes and just as many golf courses.  It would make one think that the life-style would warrant one to consider a condominium home which would allow more free time for the recreation that is ...

Larry Stanul

Larry Stanul
local_phone(262) 567-2455
smartphone(262) 751-1386
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A real estate blog serving Waukesha, Washington, Dodge, Jefferson and Milwaukee Counties.