Rob Laluk's (laluk) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Rob Laluk - The Mortgage Centre - Elder Mortgage



I've been going to sit at open houses with realtors, handing out cards, and chatting up clients trying to drum up business.  It's been reasonably successful, landing me two clients in the past month.  The thing I'm wondering about, especially the legality of it, is whether a mortgage broker could...
So the home buyer's seminar was a success.  Coffee, dessert, and information.  That's what we offered.  A discussion on how to, and why you should, buy a home in this market.  Plus a very entertaining discussion on where the financial market is, where it should be, and where it's going. The nice ...
So tomorrow I am hosting my first home buyer's seminar.  I have partnered with a realtor, a home inspector and a Notary (same as a lawyer for real estate purposes if you don't have Notaries in the US).  We are going to have a chat about the current economic status of the country, our region, and ...
So I finally got a constructive comment on one of my blogs.  This is good, as I thought that my blogs weren't 'featured' or 'professional' and travelled through the list pretty quick, being in the 'all' category, and would probably be ignored or missed by most. Today I went to an open house with ...
I have come up with a new concept in marketing my services.  Or at least it's new to me and everyone that I've told I'm doing it.  And I want to share it. I have kind of partnered with a local realtor to sit at his open houses and answer questions that prospective clients may have.  Not only do I...
I have come up with a new concept in marketing my services.  Or at least it's new to me and everyone that I've told I'm doing it.  And I want to share it. I have kind of partnered with a local realtor to sit at his open houses and answer questions that prospective clients may have.  Not only do I...
I posted this earlier today and it really slipped through the queue quickly.  I'm not sure if anyone gets a chance to read a blog that isn't featured, or professional.  My blog only goes into the "all" tab and I'm not sure who, if anyone, saw it. I really believed that this blog would receive som...
Ever feel like those advertising dollars are going to waste?  Are people prepared to purchase your product or to contact you to take the looking at homes after reading the first 6 pages of doom and gloom?  How about listing your home for sale in a market where nothing is moving, prices are plumme...
I have noticed that people who blog seem to be up to date on a lot of stuff.  Since I am a mortgage broker, I figure it's time to get up to date on more stuff.  So I have decided to start a blog. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mortgage broker with an office in Coquitlam, but doing the...

Rob Laluk

local_phone(604) 931-4719
smartphone(778) 688-6258
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