Lake Anna VA Real Estate Specialist (540) 226-1964 - Kate Elim

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Real Estate Agent - Dockside Realty - VA 0225142975
REALTOR, real estate, sales, selling homes, buyer representation, waterfront, Lake Anna, Virginia, resort property, lake,
How much more comfortable we are when working with someone that we have gotten to know in a positive way. That is certainly what can happen when someone becomes familiar with you through reading your blog. That is why I like to write my own posts and take my own photos. I want people to get to kn...
Many people that are interested in Lake Anna have never been here so the first thing they have to do is decide if this is the place for them. Now having lived here full time for 21 years I cannot imagine anyone not thinking so but who knows. Only after they have decided that this is where they wa...
As someone who likes to write posts about my local area I am looking forward to seeing what changes this will make. Hopefully it will help us all do a better job presenting our local market and that it will also help us become more identified as the go to Realtor in that area. So good-bye to Loca...
Catching up on a little time together. A week or so ago I was driving near the lake and came upon a scene that struck me as something I wanted to capture in a photo. It meant turning around and turning around again so that I could get close to a mom and young boy spending time together. Where? We...
Lake Anna is certainly a spot that attracts baby boomers as well as many others. Many people have wanted to live at a lake and there comes a time in their life that it becomes possible. Once that happens the urge to find the perfect spot often culminates in finding just that property here at Lake...
If you have every wondered if marketing is worth the time and effort you only need to follow Barbara Todaro and you will quickly learn the benefits.  Our careers rely on how much we market ourselves and also how consistent we are about it. How committed are you when it comes to marketing?  Market...
Before you wonder why I would re-blog this video take a look. Once you start you may find it hard to stop watching. We may think there is a lot of stress in real estate but believe me I was feeling some just watching this. Can you imagine doing it?Just about the time you think you've reached the ...
How helpful to have a company share this type of information. As a buyer or seller it makes sense to work with a company that has experienced agents and knows the process well. Florida has had more than its share of short sales and it pays to have someone that knows the ropes representing you.It ...
A boat shelter with a slip, dock, well/septic & a view...needs a house. That's right. This waterfront lot in Sycamore Shoals on the public side of Lake Anna has everything one needs for a great vacation or retirement home.  All it needs is the house and you can make that happen. All you have to d...
We love more than Lake Anna...We love family. The bigger the family gets the more we love it. Fortunately for us ours continues to grow. Here is a photo of the newest member. WYATT RAMSEY BLEECKER Wyatt was all of two days old when I took this photo of his grandpa holding him. He amazed us the wa...

Kate Elim

Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
smartphone(540) 226-1964
smartphone(540) 226-1964
Contact The Author
Kathleen "Kate" Elim
Dockside Realty
4634 Courthouse Road
Mineral , VA , 23117 United States

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