Lake Anna VA Real Estate Specialist (540) 226-1964 - Kate Elim

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Real Estate Agent - Dockside Realty - VA 0225142975
REALTOR, real estate, sales, selling homes, buyer representation, waterfront, Lake Anna, Virginia, resort property, lake,
Yes, the buyer wants a deal and the sellers wants top dollar but there has to be some give or neither party may end up getting what they want, a home purchased and a home sold. Remembering what the final goal is and working towards that often takes the negotiating skills of the Realtors represent...
THE REAL ESTATE MARKET AT BRANDYWOOD ESTATES Brandywood Estates is a smaller subdivision on the private side of Lake Anna. It has 53 lots and almost every lot has been built out. The homes are on an assortment of waterfront, water view, and water access lots. It has a nice common area with boat s...
Most of us take our heating and cooling systems for granted. Hardly thinking about them at all until the moment they are not working properly. Then we are very aware of them. Here are some things that we can do to help prevent such moments. We cannot eliminate them entirely but there are maintena...
There will always be a variety of house designs and for that we should be grateful. No matter how some concepts may change there will always be styles that remain popular year after year. Through the years I have lived in an assortment of homes and enjoyed them all. There are times in your life t...
But Dad's hat tastes you mind me chewing on it for a bit? I happen to be teething and this really seems to taste better. Oh, I've used that excuse before? Well I know that I have two chewies right near me but there's something enticing about Dad's hat. Could it be because I'm not supp...
Lake Anna's little free library...not everyone knows that there is such a place at our lake but that just goes to show how many fun things there are to discover here. I have seen this little library for some time now but finally took some photos so I could share it. It is such a wonderful idea an...
Marketing homes at Lake Anna...When I list a home I like taking my own photos and then I use these to advertise the property. These photos are used for the listing on MRIS which is the multiple listing system that we use. I also use the photos for flyers that are prepared for both the inside of t...
Reading and relaxing at Lake Anna...a great way to spend your time. If you think you would like to spend some of your time doing just that but do not have a place to do it, let me know. In case you are curious as I was, that big book is the complete works of Jane Austen and my daughter-in-law was...
Going back to the basics, black and white, with accent color(s) and the right shade on the walls can make a bathroom sparkle as shown in the before and after photos below. Simple changes to the dining area and a bit of help in the kitchen make the house look more current and no doubt more appeali...
Why use a stager to help get your Lake Anna home sold? We tend to grow very comfortable with the way our homes look and that sometimes means even when it is cluttered or outdated. Then the time comes to sell and we are in a quandary as to what to do and how to get it done. Or we have become so us...

Kate Elim

Realtor 540-226-1964, Selling Homes & Land a
smartphone(540) 226-1964
smartphone(540) 226-1964
Contact The Author
Kathleen "Kate" Elim
Dockside Realty
4634 Courthouse Road
Mineral , VA , 23117 United States

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