There are just some homes that you are so happy to list. This is one of those for me. It also happens to be a home that I sold to the current owners. It was not only a very striking home when they purchased it but it is even better. They have added a beautiful stacked stone fireplace, shutters wh
JUNE ACTIVITIES AT LAKE ANNA STATE PARK...Thanks to Jo Finch, President of the Friends of Lake Anna State Park, for the following information. Activities planned at Lake Anna State Park for the month of June 06/04/2016 Clean the Bay Day 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Join over 6,000 volunteer
I simply had to re-blog this post as I found it to be very helpful. There are many things to learn in order to benefit more from our blogging. This appears to be one bit of advice that does just that. Hopefully you will find it helps you to get the most from from your blogging efforts. Please don
Please think twice before you post that your listing is overpriced. I am really confused as to why Realtors post comments on Facebook about their overpriced listings. Not only do they comment, they are the ones telling the world that their listing is priced too high because that is what the selle
What is going on at Lake Anna? On Thursday, the day of New Year's Eve I was driving home from the store and thinking how I never know what I will see as I drive. Sure enough this was another one of those days that I was in for a surprise. Who would think that here in Central Virginia on the very
My top 10 Moments of 2015 (not any particular order). My husband survived a stroke and is doing well. Not one but two of my granddaughters chose to go to the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA which is just about 40 minutes from my home. Lucky me! We were blessed with grandchild
Do you ever feel like this? I must confess there are times that I want to just lie back and not think about a thing. In fact I'm feeling a bit like that right now. CHARLIE BROWN FEELING A BIT LIKE ME I could not resist taking a photo of Charlie Brown when I saw this pose. It seemed to sum up exac
Paying it forward worldwide. My world has always extended beyond our borders. We've been told that the world has grown smaller with the ease of travel to distant places and technology connecting us to one another. It's impossible to turn away from the needs of others not only when there are natur
Show us your home for the holidays Season 2...December 2015. Christmas trees with lots of lights are so sparkly and festive. That is what I love to see. Now of course I love to see all of those lights on a tall, chubby tree. That is the type we would always look for when we were children and went
Without hesitation I would have to say this is the perfect spot to spend Thanksgiving at Lake Anna. No, it is not in my house but it is not too far from there. Only a couple of coves away is a house that had been on the market. A lucky couple wrote a contract on it and although they will not be s