Getting back in the groove takes a bit of discipline and some down time. The later is a result of vacationing at the beach. The past year has been a busy one. Spending 18 days in the hospital over a six month period along with surgery and time out while taking care of my husband following his str
This is especially helpful for new members of our community as well as those of us that have been away for a while and getting back in the groove. Many thanks to Tammy Emineth for writing this and sharing it with all of us. Tammy is right as far as saying it takes time but it is time well spent.
Available...A very special waterfront home at Lake Anna, VA. There's a great house waiting for the right buyer to come along and fall in love. It will happen. How can it not when this house has so much to offer. I'll share some of the pluses but there are plenty more.It doesn't take a lot of imag