I started making a chore list for my 4 year old today. Nothing crazy...just a few 4 year old things. 1. Make your bed 2. Put your dinner dishes in the sink 3. Put your dirty clothes in the laundry 4.Pick up play room and put toys away. What I realized was that I have been doing everything for ou...
Image by Santa Claus...!!! :)via Flickr Can you believe it's December already....WOW! Where did this year go? What will 2009 hold for us, our families, and our real estate business? One of the best things we can do is prepare for the future as best as possible, have clearly defined goals, and an ...
I hit a wall today...I mean a really big wall! There is not enough time in the day, week, or even year to accomplish all the things I need to do and all the things I want to do. At Keller Williams Realty we stress the importance of having a business plan, doing your 4-1-1 which is a to do list ...
Image by Raymond Yee via FlickrImage by Raymond Yee via Flickr I have to be honest here. I've wrote about your 2009 business plan in the last couple of posts and I'll continue to write about the Keller Williams Realty MREA business plan in the next few, but I've been wondering... As you set your ...
In the second step of creating your business plan we go over your businesses organization. If you're going to run your real estate business like a business it's first important to create your businesses organizational chart. By creating or evaluating your current organizational chart you are be...
In our office meeting today we talked about getting your business ready for 2009. How many of you are going into the new year with a hope and a prayer? How many of you have taken the time to do a complete business plan? One of the things Keller Williams Capital Partners consults all of their re...
Our very own Mo Anderson, who is the foundation and ROCK of the Keller Williams culture, has been honored by being inducted into the CBR's Hall of Leaders. The CRB is the Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers and is a not-for-profit affiliate of the National Association of Realtors. Mo was ...
Sometimes I want to be both!!! But then I do something stupid like write an entire blog and then delete it or send a mass email but forget to send it to the recipients as a bcc: (my agents love this by the way, especially those reading my emails on their phones). Well no one is perfect but I thi...
Ok, second tactic in Gary Keller's new book SHIFT, is Re-Margin Your Business - Expense Management. I'm not going to lie...I struggle with this! At Keller Williams Capital Partners realty in Worthington, Ohio we hold our SHIFT "book club" once a week and really dissect these tactics and talk ab...
In a previous post I wrote about Gary Keller coming to Columbus on October 15th. This stop on the SHIFT Tour contained a timely and inspirational message. In a INMAN New article dated September 12th 2008, Bernice Ross writes, "Need help weathering the storm? If so, reach for Gary Keller's new b...