My friend Leigh brown in Charlotte, N.C. had clients who purchased a Bank of AMerica Short Sale. AFTER closing BoA sends the Trash It Team out to the house! The Trash It Team is industry jargon, for the guys who go in to "take the trash out" on foreclosed homes. Typically they only go into home
My broker Larry McGee made a TV appearance on Denver's Channel 7. He was asked and answered the following questions regarding our Denver Real Estate Market. 1. How much property is available to buy in the Metro Denver real estate market? According to information released by Metrolist on Tuesday
The trees in the plains will be budding but up in the high-country of Colorado spring means powder. That's white, fresh, fluffy deep powder, perfect for riding. My son, who I must say broke his leg the very first time he ever skiied (he was 5), never gave it up. It might because all the nurses
What would ever inspire me to wake up way before dawn, to get showered and dressed, hop in the car at 6:00 a.m. to beat the city commuter traffic on a Tuesday? A MeetUp that's what! I've written before how much I love I've been a member for a few years now. Typical for me I've joined
February is a great month in Denver, because it is the time foodies get rewarded for living here. For two weeks beginning February 26, 2011 dozens of participating restaurants offer multi-course meals for a fixed price. Two can dine for $52.80, or one for $26.40 (not including tax or gratuity). T
The past few weeks it seems the country has been having extreme weather. Freezing temps in Scottsdale alarm and entertain residents as their fountains turn to ice. At the Super Bowl in Texas they are dealing with cold unlike they have seen in recent years. Chicago officials had to rescue people
Lately I've been writing about the versatility of Google. The popular search engine that delivers so much more than just search. For some reason, I needed to do a Google Image Search and discovered people are helping themselves to my Registered U.S. Copyrighted graphic maps! It never ceases to
Last Monday I won the lottery, my prize was a seat in the juror's box! Most people won't call that "winning" of course I say it with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek. Over the years I've reported to jury duty, coming close to serving only once until this week. The last time I got close, I p
Gmail has so many time-saving features. The more I study it the more I like it! Here's a quick list, read it over and let me know if you knew Gmail could do: UnDoSend ~ After composing and sending an email, you realize you shouldn't have sent it? Or are you famous for sending an attachment, b
Arctic cold temperatures descended upon Metro Denver today. Last week I was rejoicing in 69 degree weather and now we are at 2 degrees and expected to fall below ZERO tonight and for the next few days! Burr! I got to spend the day in a nice warm court house, while doing my civic duty. Yes, I fi