I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank three Active Rain members.Carl Winters - Carl has, on more than one occasion, provided information in blogs or comments that have benefited me. His willingness to share his wealth of knowledge is highly appreciated. Carl has also shown that he is v...
Pre-Listing Inspections have become the hot item in the Home Inspection industry. Many inspectors have begun to push these inspections. But are they beneficial or a waste of time? Let's look at the benefits.•§ The Seller can choose an inspector they are comfortable with•§ The Seller can set ...
On Tuesday evening, a local radio station ran a piece about home inspections. According to the story, Angie's List says that 30% of homeowners say their inspector missed items that ended up costing them considerable amounts of money, including mold, asbestos, termites, rodents and leaky roofs. ...
I was in a Real Estate office the other day to drop off an information packet. The receptionist said she would pass it on to the appropriate person who would then contact me. This was an office I had never been to before, and had no experience working with company.I received a call from a woman...
I need some advice to pass onto my daughter. She is looking for a duplex. She called the agent who sold her the home she is currently living in, and left him a voicemail about what she was looking for. She didn't hear back from him for a while. This agent is a parent of a couple friends of he...
The question has been asked many times, I know. Many feel that Home Inspectors should have to carry a license. There are many who are of the opposite opinion, including myself. I work in Michigan, which does not require inspectors to be licensed, unless they are working for a municipality. Th...
"Why should I pay so much for an inspection, when your competitor only charges $200?". This question was posed to me the other day by a caller. I explained to the caller that as an inspector, there are a lot of time and expense involved. Her response was, and I quote, "My agent gave me a list ...