There were 18 sales with an average price of $263,627 with an average list to sales ratio of 95.71% and an average time on the market of 109 days. There are also 14 accepted offers with future closing dates. In August there were 18 sales with was 28% fewer than in 2009 and in July there were 61...
There were 34 sales with an average sales price of $229,905 with a list to sales ratio of 94.37%. There are also 21 accepted offers with future closing dates.In August 2010 there was only one fewer sale than there was in 2009. However, in July the sales were down 63%. August 2010 the new listin...
There were 47 sales with an average sales price of $195,639 with an average list to sales price of 95.78% There are also 36 accepted offers with future closing dates.In august the sales were down 36% when compared to 2009. In july the sales were down 55% when compared to 2009. In addition the...
There were 38 sales with an average sales price of $121,257 and a list to sales ratio of 94.55%. There are also 35 accepted offers with future closing dates.In August 2010 there were 38 sales which was 23 fewer than in 2009. In July the sales were 43% fewer than in 2009. Also in August the lis...
There were 32 sales with and average sales price of $208,980 and a list to sales ratio of 97.63%.There are also 12 accepted offers with futures closing dates.In August there were 33 sales which is 46% fewer than were in 2009. In July the sales were down 50% when compared to 2009. During August t...
There were 15 sales with an average sales price of 115,085 or 94.09 % of list price. In addition there are 12 accepted offers with future closing dates.In August 2010 the sales were within 1 of sale results in 2009. In July there were 70% of what was accomplished in 2009. Also in August the new ...
There were 19 sales with an average sales price of $181,258 and a list to sales ratio of 94.74%.Twelve properties have accepted offers with future closing dates.In august there were 23 sales compared to 30 sales in 2009 during the same month. July the sales were down 53% from July 2009 results.T...
There were 27 sales with an average sales price of $257,583 with a list to sales price of 97.43% and 146 days to sell. There is also 11 properties with accepted offers with future closing dates.In june 2010 the sales were up by 2 units with the same number on new listings added in 2010 as in 200...
There were 40 sales with an average sales price of $153,446 and 95.91% list to sales price and an average 151 days to market. There is also 17 accepted offers with future closing dates.In 2010 the sales were down 19 sales when compared to 2009 and new listings were down 20.There are currently 53...
There were 34 sales with an average sales price of $238,029 with a list to sales ratio of 96.67% and 92 days on the market. There are also 21 accepted offers with future closings. There are 13 fewer sales in June 2010 than in 2009 and 6 fewer listings added. There are currently 316 listings with...