I will be hosting an Open House on Sunday, December 30, 2012 at 909 Pohalski Lane in Old Town Key West from 12:00 to 3:00 PM. If you are in the area, please drop by and see this cute as can be Key West "cottage" that has just been renovated and expanded into an 1120 sq ft home with 2 bedrooms
Recently listed, but not by me, a very clean two bedroom, two bath town home located at 45 Spoonbill Way in the Key West Golf Club Community. This 900 sq ft two story town home has main level and second floor front and rear porches which seem to enlarge the living space dramatically. All of
Just listed, but not by me, 513 Margaret Street in the very heart of Old Town Key West. The listing Realtor describes this impressive home this way: "This historical family home is located in the heart of Old Town Key West. Beautiful hardwood floors, natural light and spacious rooms provide the
Christmas is, for me, always a time for reflection. I look back to my childhood with such fondness for the way things were back in the 1950s. I live in the present and don't dwell on the past, but I cannot shake my memories of wonderful times past. My parents were barely out of their teens w
If you are out and about in Old Town Key West this Sunday afternoon please drop by 909 Pohalski Lane between 12:00 and 2:00. Look at the 60 second video below. You'll then wanna see this lovely two bedroom, two and one-half bath home in person. Offered at $695,000. CLICK HERE to view a 60 secon
"Come in, -- come in! and know me better, man! I am the Ghost of Christmas Present. Look upon me! You have never seen the like of me before!" -- Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol I normally write about the positive things in Key West. After all, I am trying to find buyers for houses in my l
1124 Stump Lane was built circa 1890 and rests near mid block on one of the slow lanes of Old Town Key West. Stump Lane runs parallel with Southard Street to the south. It starts at White Street and ends at Frances Street. It's only one block long and many locals do not know its name or locatio
The quite large home at 1701 Atlantic Boulevard in Key West is located near the beaches on southeast part of the Island of Key West. The original house was built in 1968 and was later expanded to its present size of 2969 sq ft of living space under air. The house sits at the corner of Ashby St
I have written about the lovely old home at 912 Truman Avenue a couple of times, and I have had the privilege of showing the house several times over the past few months. As we approach Christmas Day which is now only a week away, I want bargain buyers to give this really big, really nice old K
Just listed, but not by me, 923 Angela Street in the Old Town area of Key West. The listing agent describes this lovely property this way: "Classic Keys Cottage on a quiet Old Town Lane. Perfect porch for sunset views and peaks of local color. Traditional Conch style casual with Dade County Pin