6 Ways to Turn Off Your Home's Buyer (or Seller!) In the wild world of dating, when you encounter a “turn-off,” you can just pack it in and not to go on another date with that guy or gal again. But turnoffs can be much more detrimental when they come up in the realm of your real estate goals. Ind
This is a must read for Sellers and their agents! Word to the wise! The housing market today is much more competitive, many more homes from which to choose. But, homes that are properly prepared for the market and well-priced will sell much faster; and may even bring multiple offers. 1. We want
Technically speaking, April 15th is tax day. But for Americans who expect a refund - including many homeowners who want to cash in on real estate-related tax perks - filing sooner holds the promise of getting that check in hand, stat. If you count yourself in that number, here’s a handy guide for
The American dream of homeownership is a very feasible aspiration for 2012. There are many benefits of owning a home. Yet some first-time buyers are skeptical of purchasing with the uncertainty surrounding the housing market. The uncertainty many reference when speaking about the housing market i
8 Tips to Protect Your Home WhileAway on VacationBy Kelly O'Ryan Many lucky families are planning holiday trips to cure their winter blues. Here are some important things to remember if you leave your home for several days. Make sure to hold the mail and newspaper. If you can't have someone pi
I used to pass a mortgage company billboard on the freeway every day that read: “Surprises are for birthday parties.” (Implied: surprises are usually unpleasant when they arise in the context of real estate transactions.) The worst case scenario that looms large in the minds of buyers, refinance
This article is right on the money. No pun intended! Home buyers and those re-financing their homes to take advantage of today's generational low interest rates need to read this. "Everyone knows you’re supposed to be proactive and assertive when you take out a mortgage, carefully collecting and
Reprinted from Trulia Article 7/14/11 by Tara Nicholle-Nelson "Most home buyers feel like they are bona fide real estate experts after all the studying up on loans and neighborhoods, online house hunting and open house visiting it takes just to get into contract on a home these days. But for a
I received this information in an email last week. I don't know whether or not it's accurate, but it sounds logical and can't hurt. If it works, it will save you some money ..... and that's always good! Please let me know if this is helpful. "I don't know what you guys are paying for gasoline...
Ask a roomful of homeowners what's so great about owning versus renting, and you'll hear them holler in unison: "the tax deductions!" And it's true - homeowners who itemize their taxes are able to deduct 100% of their mortgage interest and property taxes from their income tax returns.That means t