I'm amazed that Realtors still market themselves as "Top Agent," Number One Listing Agent," Circle of Excellence Stand-Out," and on and on. While I understand and endorse marketing is very important in our business, I also understand a few other things. First and foremost, Sellers and Buyers th...
Every few years, my job as a Realtor becomes a lot busier, but not because I'm listing and selling homes, in Northwest Bergen County --- Franklin Lakes and Wyckoff, in particular. It's because of the dreaded REVALUATION!! This is the time where towns realize the taxes they collect aren't enough...
I read a very unsettling article, I think it was in Forbes, about the top 25 states where more people are moving out than moving in. As I recall, New Jersey was either at or close to the top. Sadly, I was not surprised. New Jersey today is nothing like it was when I was a teenager, in the 60s....
We all get asked this question, and there is no one right answer. If, for instance, the thing that sells the home is the property, gardens, pool and tennis court, there will be more interest if you wait until early Spring. Even when the home is lovely, there's nothing quite like having beautifu...
About 10 years ago, while delivering gifts to longtime clients, I suffered a ruptured cerebral aneurysm --- long story short, 7 hours of surgery and two weeks in Intensive Care, I was home, and three weeks later was back at work. As my ex-husband loved to say, "she can't be killed!" This was the...
While I realize a blog about Uber cars may not be seen as relevant to real estate, I can't read one other negative article about my favorite mode of transportation without sounding off. The naysayers continue to rant about how Uber has been surreptitiously collecting personal information from an...
Much of my childhood was spent in Asbury Park and Wanamassa, a small town just over the bridge from AP. One of our most celebrated residents was Tim Hauser (yes THE Tim Hauser, of Manhattan Transfer). Occasionally, Tim would take pity on my, and give me a ride home from APHS (about 2 miles from...
Neil Barofsky has written a riveting book on the 2008-09 government financial bailout which he oversaw as the Special Inspector General for TARP -- the Troubled Asset Relief Program (see, if you name it something like that, with the word “Relief” in it, everyone gets on board because it sounds l...
Twenty years ago, I read an interesting article in Mother Jones. It railed against the practice of women starting to have yearly mammograms at age 40. Dense breast tissue made it difficult to make an informed diagnosis, it said, so women should wait until age 50 for the test. Because my aunt d...
With school coming up soon, I was reminded of how many things kids need to start school --- new clothes, coats, shoes, boots, backpacks, school supplies, and all the goodies that help them feel like their schoolmates. It can be very hard for families just making ends meet. The Center for Food Ac...