Another President Obama Veteran initiative which was initially rolled out October 2011 in conjunction with the American Jobs Act includes tax credits to make it easier for businesses to hire America's Veterans. The American Logistics Association pledged to hire 25,000 veterans & and family membe...
As we recently experienced the torrential rains that his the Northwest Florida Panhandle and a few other areas I've read, many people have been displaced, lost homes, cars and more. Pensacola got between 14-20 inches of rain. Even hurricanes didn't do that kind of damage. The rains came hard a...
Yes interest rates are great, even fantastic! But, before you commit those finances... Be sure you want to stay in the home long enough to break even on the loan costs. Yes there are costs involved! And yes I know the lender told you it wouldn't cost you anything. Everything costs and you and ...
In recent times I’ve seen a trend of more and more people oblivious to how their credit scores affect them. After asking all the right questions, debt, child support, student loan, car payment etc., the lender is explaining to me why they will be unable to approve the loan… What the client di...
The appraised value is basically what the bank thinks your home is worth. This can include everything from what neighborhood you live in, to how many or type of fixtures you have in your kitchen. The appraised value is designed to be unbiased. The bank needs an accurate assessment of the prope...
I’ve heard this on more than one occasion from home sellers: We've done Lots of upgrades! NOT!! And while I appreciate the time hard work and money you’ve invested in your home, I am going to have to give you the disheartening news that all your “upgrades” are actually maintenance. New carpet t...
If you haven't seen this you need to read and really put into perspective. One of my associates has shared with me so I'm sharing with you. It will definitely be an "Aha" moment."I'm Mayhem, and I'm Your Worst Nightmare!" I like small children. I surf the internet looking for them. I don't have...
I posted last year, and probably will every year. I've enhanced and added, so if you can think of additional ways, please let me know, and I will add them. Remember always "All Gave Some But Some Gave All!" 1. Take a Veteran out to eat; whether it is a fast-food chain or a fine-dining establi...